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  1. Jacques Burgalat

    Too much of a good thing...Italian Food

    The last time Bonnie left Mozart (our dog) and I alone in the French Pyrenees for 5 months, I bought a 40-lb salt-cured ham. That (along with some eggs and a ton of bread and butter) was literally all we ate until she came back and wondered where he'd gotten that huge bone... My first wife was...
  2. Jacques Burgalat

    New Bed

    So Don, you're telling me that you've got a Queen that rolls you both towards the middle? If it's still for sale, I'll take it. :)
  3. Jacques Burgalat

    Bow Thruster vs Stern Thruster

    Neeltje has SidePower 175's imbedded at both ends, and they make parallel parking and cutting doughnuts a breeze. I initially had the bow thruster installed when we took her from Fort Lauderdale to Saint Augstine and quickly realized that since her massive rudder and single 27" screw were...
  4. Jacques Burgalat

    getting 80 pound dog aboard

    I think the OP was asking for ways to load a large, old dog onto a boat, when that old, large dog didn't really want to go there anymore, and his/her owner was beyond being able to throw it over their shoulder and carry it aboard. You're not going to teach an old, arthritic dog who used to...
  5. Jacques Burgalat

    getting 80 pound dog aboard

    I'm with Wifey B and those who think that we should let old sleeping dogs lay if we can. Granted, if you're on a trip, you don't have much of a choice but to haul your pup on and off the boat at regular intervals, but whatever you do, forget the hoist and harness method unless you've been...
  6. Jacques Burgalat

    transom etiquette

    Did you ever hear the story about the sardine that blocked the Port of Marseille? Well, that's where I'm from, so maybe it wasn't quite 6 knots...:whistling: As I recall, it was somewhere north of Palm Beach, where the island is so narrow that you can see the ocean from the ICW through the...
  7. Jacques Burgalat

    transom etiquette

    In my very limited experience with bridge tenders (maybe 30 in all) between Fort Lauderdale and Saint Augustine, I don't recall any other boats around me adding a prefix to their name when and if they called. Many of the bridges we encountered had well established opening schedules, and those...
  8. Jacques Burgalat

    transom etiquette

    According to what the C.G. told me, the name of a documented vessel doesn't necessarily have to appear on the transom, but it's got to be visible at all times. Since Neeltje's bulbous butt is split in two by her oversized rudder, I opted to put her name on the cockpit walls, and her hailing...
  9. Jacques Burgalat

    What is the most stupid thing you have ever done on your boat?

    Well, aside from buying a more than century old, 64-foot, 40 ton Dutch Sailing Barge in Fort Lauderdale, and then motoring it up the ICW to Saint Augustine (when I had never as much as rowed a dinghy before), nothing much comes to mind. For sure, I banged-up a few fuel docks and scraped-up...
  10. Jacques Burgalat

    Whats your opinion?

    The name is great, and since there's only one way to pronounce it in English, you can lose the accents. I should probably have let you find this out on your own, but when a Frenchman says it, it sounds more like "Beau Cul" (Nice Ass)...:angel:
  11. Jacques Burgalat

    Do you boat with a parrot

    If she did, I'd be squawking like a parakeet.
  12. Jacques Burgalat

    Do you boat with a parrot

    I've got a wife. Same squawking, less poop. :D
  13. Jacques Burgalat

    Dinghy power thoughts

    Great! First, we had the Hemi-powered Prius, now we've got the Sleeper Dink. :D Granted, this was back in the mid-80s, but my soft bottom 3.10 Zodiac stood practically straight up when I slapped the 9.9 Penta on it. Since I was in a hurry to try out both the new boat and its new motor, and...
  14. Jacques Burgalat

    Dinghy power thoughts

    If you're not careful, 'Torque Steering' (for lac of a better term) might also be an issue with a relatively "high-powered" tiller-driven outboard mounted on a relatively short and light boat. I lost a brand-new 9.9 Penta that way. It now rests in peace at the bottom of lake Morisco, which as we...
  15. Jacques Burgalat

    Dinghy power thoughts

    Call me antiquated, but I've never seen an 11' RIB with a 100 HP inboard. Where can I find one? I'm looking to replace my 18' Monterey bow rider with something faster and more fuel efficient.
  16. Jacques Burgalat

    Dinghy power thoughts

    Life's unfair; Neeltje has a beautiful marble tiled Italian shower fit for two, and we're getting too old to use it properly.:o Rome's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to sleep there. It's got to be the loudest city nocturnal on the planet this side of Hong Kong. I don't know...
  17. Jacques Burgalat

    Dinghy power thoughts

    WOW! 42 knots in an 11' RIB? Guess you don't need that bass boat after all...:thumb: Don't mind me, I'm just old, slow and jealous. The 90 HP diesel in my 40-ton barge gets her up to a whopping 5 knots at WOT. The good news is that it only burns 1 gal./hr. while doing so. The bad news is that...
  18. Jacques Burgalat

    Dinghy power thoughts

    OK, I get it, but where do you put the Port-a-Potty? :D The point I was trying to make was that this trend to overpower everything boggles me. For example, who needs a pair of 350 HP diesels to push around a full displacement 40' plastic trawler with a 12 knot hull speed? That's the kind of...
  19. Jacques Burgalat

    Dinghy power thoughts

    20 hp on a 3.10 dink? Isn't that a little like putting a Hemi in a Prius? Seriously, if you need your dink to "plane", tow a 250 hp bass boat, and you won't be disappointed. I put a 9.9 Penta on a 310 Zodiac, and at full throttle, that was enough to flip it way before it came up to a plane...
  20. Jacques Burgalat

    Black Creek off St Johns South of Jacksonville FL

    Here in Palatka, most of them do, and while some keep a generator and few bottles of water handy, most take it in stride. Granted, we're almost 30' above sea level, and far enough up the Saint Johns River to expect minimal costal storm surges, and while we do sometimes get quite a bit of water...
  21. Jacques Burgalat

    Best life jacket for cats? Other advice?

    12 lb. Maine Coons? Good luck with that. They probably weigh twice as much when wet, and if they hit the drink strapped in a life vest, they'll probably exhaust themselves trying to get out of it before even thinking of swimming to a safe place, such as the boat they just fell off of. As long...
  22. Jacques Burgalat

    Steel boat questions

    You are correct. Turn of the (previous) century Dutch Tjalks and Skutzes were most often one-offs with cold-riveted iron hulls and steel superstructures. Mine's been out of the water to have her hull scraped twice in the past 116 years, and she has yet to spring a leak. Her steel...
  23. Jacques Burgalat

    Some folks vision

    So what you're saying is that, with a few improvements, my 116-year old gaff-rigged Tjalk could spearhead modern technology. Cool!
  24. Jacques Burgalat

    Best washdown pump ?

    I'm assuming he's talking about hosing off the poop stains or the chronic diarrhea that often accompanies Newfie pups. In any case, I wonder if anybody has ever done a study on the percentage of offshore water pollution that can be attributed to dog **** on an annual basis. :blush:
  25. Jacques Burgalat

    Citroen motion sickness glasses

    It's not "BS", it's "DS". As one who had to ride in the back seat of his lead-footed father's Citroen DS 21 Pallas as a kid, I'm surprised Citroen didn't come out with these sooner...
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