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  1. JohnH

    Any hams have trawlers?

    I'm planning to put a HF radio aboard next year. The Great Northern Boaters Network is a ham net here in the Pacific NW and its pretty active in the summer. I plan on checking in a lot next summer. The nets can be entertaining and informative. On the sailboat in the Caribbean we'd listen to...
  2. JohnH

    Thoughts on this Willard 40 Pilothouse

    According to the previous owner and under perfect conditions Voyager, at 1800 rpm, uses 1.8 gph at a speed of about 8 knots. That's 4.4 nmpg. This is a little better than the KK42 performance chart I have. I haven't taken delivery of the boat yet so I can't confirm the numbers. I'm looking...
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