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  1. J

    Pacific Northwest 2015

    I will stop there on my way south in late August but the trip my original post was about is up the west coast of the island not the inside. I will keep filing notes on a lap top in the approximate order that I will be close to the various points of interest. Thanks John
  2. J

    Pacific Northwest 2015

    I am planning to travel up the West Coast of Vancouver Island Island in my Universal 36 (slow) this summer, it would be more fun if I joined others or was joined by others. If anyone can recommend a better place to post please do so, I am new to this. Thanks John
  3. J

    How many cruise very remote areas with single engine & no backup?

    I plan to I plan to travel up the outside of Vancouver Island this summer with no back up power. I will carry a 1000 or so feet of line suitable to extend the anchor line for a flatter lay in case of a break down in heavy weather and carry lots of extras,. I have filter bypass valves and am...
  4. J

    Lehman 135 Cruise RPM

    I am also to new to this to post GPH date but my Universal 36 with a single American Diesel Corp 140 HP feel right at 1650 and give me about 7.5 K GPS speed
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