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  1. viper1800


    English is not that easy :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  2. viper1800

    where to get - Slidedoor Lock

    Hi, as I introduced myself longer time ago, I am looking for a door lock for the sliding door of my Northeseatrawler 38. I looked everywhere in the web, asked lot of people across Germany and Netherlands but was not successful to find these. Of course I can rework the doors and find...
  3. viper1800

    Servus und Grüß Gott

    The CHB guide is a damned goot information. THANKS !!! After reading I am still more confident to bought the right boat:thumb:
  4. viper1800

    Servus und Grüß Gott

    Yes, I surveyed the boat before I bought. Everything is fine and perfect working. Good thing is, that the previous owner (only one) had no intension to work by himself at the boat, so weverything what has been done had been done by a proffesional company. I brought the boat by mayself from...
  5. viper1800

    Servus und Grüß Gott

    That really looks like my one, beside somesmall details. I am really wondering how much differnt brand names are existing. I thought first i have a european or us model, as the boat is equiped with 2 volvo penta (original). Is there any database where the weight and dims are? Germany is a...
  6. viper1800

    Servus und Grüß Gott

    I just joined TF because it is the only one offering real interesting information about trawlers and posts with quality. I full filled my self a dream last weekend by buying a Trawler. Previously i owned several boats like a Bayliner Ciera and my last one was a danish " fishkutter " made of wood...
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