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  1. Marco Flamingo

    Ballast bar on steel keel?

    Plumb bob. Or something similar.
  2. Marco Flamingo

    Ballast bar on steel keel?

    Oh, Bruce Roberts. I thought it was Ted Brewer. Bruce Roberts, Ted Brewer, Bob Perry, Nat Herresoff, doesn't matter. All would say "that is not my design." More numbers that you might want/need in the future. When hauled on the sling, did you get the weight? I don't remember the last time...
  3. Marco Flamingo

    Ballast bar on steel keel?

    I should also note that Dave Gerr runs through a discussion on how much alteration to a vessel's trim and flotation is safe, i.e., how far from the designed waterline can you safely deviate. After the normal NA maze of arithmetical formulas, he says that they tend to all lead to a basic figure...
  4. Marco Flamingo

    Ballast bar on steel keel?

    The keel is already 7.4 feet deep according to the OP. I suppose that was measured, as the OP doesn't seem to have the original plans. Ted is no longer designing, but I've never heard of an NA that threw out old plans. Not sure original plans would show much other than what it was supposed to...
  5. Marco Flamingo

    Ballast bar on steel keel?

    You can read up on it in naval architect David Gerr's book The Nature of Boats at page 109. As rslifkin points out, the test that you need is what's called a "roll time to beam" (RTB). You need a ratio of about 1. And "about 1," means really, really close to 1. Gerr says that .97 RTB is okay...
  6. Marco Flamingo


    Electric fly swatter. The entertainment value hasn't dropped off yet. Plus, there is something very satisfying about zapping a horsefly.
  7. Marco Flamingo

    Steadying sail design/rigging?

    I just bought several yards of spinnaker material and made a delta sail after looking at the $550!!! FinDelta #2. I spent less than $30 on materials and maybe an hour and a half at the sewing machine. Yes, it is lightweight, but I'm only looking to point into the wind better when at anchor...
  8. Marco Flamingo

    Steadying sail design/rigging?

    Given what you have said about your vessel's stability in other posts, I don't think that a relatively tiny "steadying sail" would be of any benefit. It could even make things worse. It's probably time for a real stability analysis and determine what, if anything, can turn the boat back into a...
  9. Marco Flamingo

    The Case for Going Slow

    So that's it. They think that they are planing. When we came through Active Pass last summer, we timed it so that the current had changed to be flowing with us. On AIS, we could see that a lot of other boats had been waiting at the entrance. We finally entered with a 7-8 knot favorable...
  10. Marco Flamingo

    diesel heater choice

    The insulated flex duct looks like it would be a lot easier to install than the stuff I used (assuming the stock heater ducting would fit inside it. I would also check the heat rating of the reflective mylar. The stuff I used can even handle the heat of the exhaust outlet. When I was doing...
  11. Marco Flamingo

    The Case for Going Slow

    And the justification that I keep hearing for the infrequent need for a couple of monstrous engines (allowing 18 knots at 32 gph) is "in case of an emergency." Somebody really thinks that 18 knots is faster than VHF radio waves? Faster than a CG helicopter? If somebody is going to burn 32 gph...
  12. Marco Flamingo

    Non-invasive tank monitoring systems

    I've been looking at the Mopeka brand of ultrasonic external water monitor. They have several types of monitors that work on steel propane tanks, etc. Reviews are generally good. Need access the tank bottom to replace a battery every year 3-5 years. Not a problem for my application on my SS...
  13. Marco Flamingo

    Day Dreaming Northern BC

    I spent a 4th of July on Adak. Navy put on a fireworks show. The rockets would take off, the howling wind would catch them, and they would go screaming along the beach. The highest rocket explosion was probably only 40 feet. We went up Laredo Inlet on Princess Royal Island last summer...
  14. Marco Flamingo

    Balmar 60 Alternator replacement for a Perkins 6.354

    No problem with shimming to get the correct alignment. Instead of a stack of washers, bigger hardware stores (and probably Amazon) would stock a single bushing of the right size. Much easier with a single shim than a handful of washers. I had a big problem that came from the alternator bolt...
  15. Marco Flamingo

    West Coast Vancouver Island

    I'll second the "don't go to Hot Springs Cove" during the day. There were no float plane visits from Tofino the first time I was there. Now, they are constant during the day. When a plane leaves, you would think the tourists have left. Nope, it's arranged so that they drop off a load and go...
  16. Marco Flamingo

    Dry Bilges, How Often Do You Check Your Pumps?

    I throw the switch to manual before leaving the marina. It is a little irritating as it has a beeper and flashing light, but with an empty bilge, I then know that I shouldn't have it go off for at least a few days. Using the manual switch normally wouldn't check whether the float switch is...
  17. Marco Flamingo

    air intake hose and filter options on Chinese diesel heater

    One picture is of a screen/silencer, the other is just a screen. The second has more screen surface area, and if that pleases you and you don't care about noise, that one would be fine. The "silencer" screen works on the basic theory that sound travels best in a straight line. The only thing...
  18. Marco Flamingo

    Transducer Offset Question-

    I have no need to know the depth from the surface. Where I boat, the depth on the chart shows a single number, but in reality it is constantly changing based on the tide, barometric pressure, recent rainfall, prevailing winds, etc. Plus, it was recorded as that depth in 1932 (or whenever the...
  19. Marco Flamingo

    Fragile diesel heater supply tube

    The complaints about diesel heater supply tubes seem to be with some of the Chinese heaters. They often ship with a softer line (typically green) that kinks, swells, and ultimately leaks. I was just doing some research on various plastics and their resistance to diesel and other oils. Turns...
  20. Marco Flamingo

    The Case for Going Slow

    The first thing I thought when I saw the 2 circles is that I'm glad I don't boat in an area like that. I've always had the good fortune of narrows, rivers, spits, tides and currents. Complex navigation with things to look at all along the way. Maybe if every destination was a straight open...
  21. Marco Flamingo

    DIY project: Adding a fuel consumption data to older diesel

    I have also looked into adding a fuel flow meter to my 80 hp Ford Lehman. I already did an installation for the 50 hp outboard on my C-dory. I was able to locate a new (discontinued) Faria FFM027, which is a fuel flow monitor and totaller. Important for my use for both small engines is that...
  22. Marco Flamingo

    Rearming an inflatable PFD

    As to crotch straps, most recreational PFDs don't have them. I came up with a simple project to add what I think is a better idea. Inflatable PFDs have a waist strap. A simple sewing project is to add two drop-down straps with side-release buckles. These go around your belt. If not wearing...
  23. Marco Flamingo

    Rearming an inflatable PFD

    Re-arming is not difficult. There is some difference in the comfort of various models, so you might try a few on. Also, some have a D-ring for attaching either a safety line when aboard or a MOB line to the vessel if a person is in the water. If you can't (or your spouse can't) get another...
  24. Marco Flamingo

    The Case for Going Slow

    The article does list as #1: First, one can actually enjoy the scenery and the surroundings rather than having to keep one’s eyes riveted forward making sure to avoid a deadhead or some other obstruction, to say nothing of other boats. But the article does talk a lot about cost. Our reason...
  25. Marco Flamingo

    Continental Divide

    You will need a C-Dory or similar. Even still, Least Moon took out at Coal Harbor, MT and trailered over the divide. We put in just above Coal Harbor at the ferry landing and motored (drifted) downstream. The Missouri River down to the Fort Peck reservoir was muddy and shallow in many places...
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