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  1. Marco Flamingo

    diesel heater choice

    The UK has just banned the importation of Vevor brand of diesel heaters and Vevor has started a recall (January 11, 2024). The reason? "potential for passengers to inhale dangerous levels of poisonous gases should the product not be installed correctly." Okay. Same could be said for my Ford...
  2. Marco Flamingo

    Puget sound anchorages

    I'm also moored in Port Orchard. I heard that a recent statute (I believe State, but might be Kitsap County), put a limit on days at anchor and a new regulation that a boater can be required to move the vessel a certain distance under its own power. We had several that arrived as a group and...
  3. Marco Flamingo

    Storm anchoring

    I think the range of issues that arise from "Storm Anchor" is huge, requiring any thread to wander all over the place. Here are my wanderings/wonderings. The more scope I let out, the more my boat horses around at anchor. It feels like I'm traveling in a figure 8. I've never spent much...
  4. Marco Flamingo

    Espar return air puzzle

    Yes, CO is a minor concern with diesel. I'm very sensitive to diesel exhaust, so I would smell it. Or one of my CO detectors would go off either in the engine room or the cabin. They are also extremely sensitive. The one time I smelled diesel exhaust, it was the exhaust from the diesel...
  5. Marco Flamingo

    Espar return air puzzle

    I can tell you what I've done for ducting on the Espar and identical units. I'm not saying it's right, just that it works. When I installed an Espar D2, I found an installation manual that had the length limitations for intake and exhaust duct, including subtractions for Ys, Ls, and registers...
  6. Marco Flamingo

    Boat Ownership Share

    That's basically what I have seen. The best deal on buying a used boat is from a partnership. Two of the three have been losing money for a few years and just want out quickly at any cost (even a big loss). My dad got a great deal on a boat named "Quartet" for the four partners. One...
  7. Marco Flamingo

    Anyox bc

    Anyox in it's heyday.
  8. Marco Flamingo

    Cruising the French canals

    Yes, clothesline and pins were onboard.
  9. Marco Flamingo

    Boats you would buy again.

    For a sailboat, my PicNic Cat was perfect for our needs. Easy to sail, easy to beach, easy to trailer with the tabernacle mast. I had four adults and two kids in a 14' sailboat without a problem. Surprisingly fast downwind with the centerboard and rudder up a little. It would surf in...
  10. Marco Flamingo

    Do you save your old log books on boats you sold yes no & why

    Definately keep the log book. I'm lucky in that my wife has a habit of keeping "log books" of various trips by land, sea, and air. Now, having 30 years of logs, she often takes a few on road trips and reads them out loud. More entertaining than anything on the radio. Nice to look back to...
  11. Marco Flamingo

    racor drain fitting leaking

    Yachtman, Shhhh. You're supposed to buy a $100 Racor semi-heat shield, a $100 Racor brass valve (because the $100 heat shield doesn't cover the original plastic valve), and maybe an additional $100 valve (that can be accidentally bumped and turned on?). An $8 stainless kennel bucket covers...
  12. Marco Flamingo

    Cruising the French canals

    We have never spent a night at a marina. Every small town has a little dock, but we only used them to provision and sightsee. Then we left for someplace quiet and remote. Some places are very narrow with one-way traffic (and even a traffic light on some tunnels). In some places the canal...
  13. Marco Flamingo

    Collision and demasting

    My experience when working on a shrimp boat was that the deck lights were only on when deploying and retrieving the net. We "headed" the shrimp onboard, meaning we partially processed them, so if it was a good haul, the deck lights might be on for an hour after a tow to process and clear the...
  14. Marco Flamingo

    Sewing Machine?

    My latest sewing project. Not for the boat, these are cushions for the window seats in the bedrooms. I went with a seashore theme. The brown/gold color would match the "teak tunnel" look of my 80's Taiwanese trawler.
  15. Marco Flamingo

    Cruising the French canals

    Yep. I asked several times about how I would go about emptying the holding tank (6 people aboard for 2 weeks). I was told it was large enough not to worry. Hmmm. Never did figure out where that huge tank was, and there's a reason I didn't see it. But swimming isn't the only questionable...
  16. Marco Flamingo

    diesel heater ducting

    I would be reluctant to combine. The fan on the bus heater is much more powerful. Were the two ever turned on at the same time, the bus heater would stop the fan in the little diesel heater, causing serious problems.
  17. Marco Flamingo

    Safety of Induction Cooktops

    We cruised 10 weeks using our induction stove off of a single lithium 120Ah battery that recharged we only when we motored. Came close to using it up a few times, so I just installed a 200W solar panel. So yes, "a" battery and "a" solar panel to handle all our cooking on induction. We ate a...
  18. Marco Flamingo

    racor drain fitting leaking

    Could be an o-ring issue. Sometimes a tightening issue. Little bucket tell you if you fixed it, plus holds diesel when changing o-ring or filter.
  19. Marco Flamingo

    racor drain fitting leaking

    Search TF for "Racor Housing" and look at post #39. Much more cost effective and elegant solution than the silly little Racor "bowls" (that don't catch drips and aren't as effective for fire). Sorry Racor. The cheap little stainless steel buckets shown are also great when changing filters...
  20. Marco Flamingo

    What are your boating goals of 2024 ?

    Some of my boating goals have already been accomplished, 1. Boat to Laughing Bird Caye and snorkel at the Park. 2. Cruise up the Monkey River and fly fish for tarpon. Still to come, 3. Fly back to Seattle to watch the Huskey game at the yacht club. The club is then having their "Penguin...
  21. Marco Flamingo

    diesel heater throughhull

    There is a reason why the heaters come with a short duct and maybe a T. The little fans in them might not be able to push through 20 feet of ducting and 4 Ys. My owner's manual for the Espar D2 had a diagram that showed the suggested limits on ductwork. Total length and number of elbows, Ts...
  22. Marco Flamingo

    Converting Heads to option for Freshwater Flush

    Peggie, We have a Vacuflush system that has worked great. But I remember the sales listing claiming that the head had been converted from raw water to potable water. My question is whether I need to check if the Vacuflush was "converted" to potable or the Vacuflush was a replacement for the...
  23. Marco Flamingo

    Chinese diesel heater

    This sure seems like a bogus claim. These little heaters use a basic fuel transfer pump (available on Amazon for $12). When they start up, it goes tick tick tick. Then slows to tick, tick, tick. Then they slow to tick . . . tick . . . tick. But when simply connected to 12v power, these...
  24. Marco Flamingo

    Sewing Machine?

    Google Mumcraft Sewing Clips for another $10 product that helps a home machine sew like a walking foot. They also work with walking foot machines and can be a time saver. No more pins.
  25. Marco Flamingo

    Chinese diesel heater

    I have a German-made Espar D2 on one boat and a Chinese-made Warmtoo heater on another. German heater kit is $1,100 on Amazon and rated at 7.5kw. Chinese heater kit is $100 on Ebay and rated at 8kw. No real difference in heat output (the Germans are probably lying about the rating?) The...
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