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  1. Marco Flamingo

    You (Us) old guys have lots of options

    I went even smaller with the C-Dory 16 Cruiser. Actually, 15' 11", so it avoids some taxes, licensing requirements, etc. Can't even tell it is behind me when towing (except that it cuts mpg to 22 crossing the continental divide). Easy to launch solo. I know, some will claim that it is...
  2. Marco Flamingo

    diesel heater ducting

    I've only read about "bilge odor" here on TF. If I ever had that, I'd first fix the black water tank or whatever was causing the odor. Maybe a "dry bilge" is so dry that it doesn't get the exchange of water that keeps the odor away? Maybe some boat in stinky water? I sealed my ductwork where...
  3. Marco Flamingo

    Magnetic compass

    Back in the dark ages, I worked for Captain's Nautical Supply in Seattle. Probably one of the last businesses that would swing a compass. We usually did it on Lake Union, where sighting down Seattle's north/south streets above Gas Works Park helped get things aligned. A full deviation card...
  4. Marco Flamingo

    Engine anode

    I was surprised on my first heat exchanger anode change by not finding one in the plug! PO was good with maintenance and had spares onboard. Screwed the plug back in, got a spare anode, and when I took the plug out again, there was a half-eaten anode on it. It was like a magic trick. The...
  5. Marco Flamingo

    My Anti-roll Bag Experiment

    I finally got a chance to spend some time at the boat with the accelerometer app on my phone. To get some baseline numbers, I put the phone in various positions and rocked the boat to about 6 degrees. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to run the inclinometer app at the same time as the...
  6. Marco Flamingo

    diesel heater ducting

    My boat had a Wallas diesel heater. When that needed parts that were no longer available, I went with a $150 Chinese diesel heater (3 years ago). Some of the old ducting I used, some I improved. The Wallas had a fresh air intake to the outside. I eliminated that and now simply take air from...
  7. Marco Flamingo

    chronic window leaking

    Don't use the applicator bottle. It is the type that you cut off the pointy end. That leaves too big of an opening and can't be applied carefully. CT is about the consistency of whole milk. It is easy to dribble out too much. Get a syringe from a hobby shop that has a tiny hole. Fill with...
  8. Marco Flamingo

    chronic window leaking

    Another thumbs up for Capt. Tolley. It works great on tiny invisible openings. Big leaks can also be fixed, but it takes some fussing. I had large leaks on my forward windows. I could see that prior owners had tried a variety of goops but still leaked. I put down towels on the inside and...
  9. Marco Flamingo

    Bow thruster reversed direction

    Don't take pictures, take videos. Talk yourself through it how you took it apart and how you're going to put it back together. Much better than pictures.
  10. Marco Flamingo

    Telescoping swim ladders?

    I have one very similar, but a 4 step model. If you try a three step model, you will find that you have to be able to put your foot up about chest high to actually get on the lowest step (because the swim step is above the water and the first step is actually about at water level, i.e., at your...
  11. Marco Flamingo

    My new bifacial solar panel

    I've seen some discussion on TF about the whether angling the solar panel is worth the complication of a special mounting system. Like other things, it depends on where one boats. I remember seeing a picture in the Emma B thread that was taken in the Broughtons on December 20th at about noon...
  12. Marco Flamingo

    Engine Parameter Logging

    No recommendations really because too many choices and they seem to be always changing. Plus, I have an android phone. I just found a few apps that made sense to me and went with them. While recording apps are nice for a big picture, one can also just save a representative screen shot and...
  13. Marco Flamingo

    My new bifacial solar panel

    It is all DIY. Along the entire outside edge is a 1.5x1.5" aluminum el stock to make sure that it is well supported ($30). On each end of that are two expandable stainless mop handles that swivel at the upper end ($50), allowing adjustment of the panel angle. The mop handle end was modified...
  14. Marco Flamingo

    My new bifacial solar panel

    I had not even heard of these until a few weeks ago. I was looking to add a solar panel and came across the concept. Basically, a solar photo cell that collects on both sides isn't that difficult to make, but it has had little practical application (the Soviets first used them in outer space)...
  15. Marco Flamingo

    Dry bilge??? Raise your hand.....

    By the frequency of the bilge alarm on the little pump. When my boat was last put in the water after engine service, the mechanic had not tightened the wet exhaust hose properly. The alarm went off once an hour (only when underway). Not normal. Fixed the leak and now it's less than once in...
  16. Marco Flamingo

    Engine Parameter Logging

    There are free phone apps that can help. Make a decibel graph from a convenient place at idle and at cruising RPM. Some of the graphs can show whether there is a new high (or low) pinging. Make a vibration graph at various RPMs. It can tell whether the prop has taken a hit. Keeping records...
  17. Marco Flamingo

    Dry bilge??? Raise your hand.....

    I had never heard of a dry bilge until coming to TF. Never thought it was a problem. Then I read that some people have bilges that stink. Not sure what that is all about (leaking blackwater tank or shower drain?). I get saltwater from the packing gland, maybe some fresh water from rain, a...
  18. Marco Flamingo

    LED Engine Room Lighting

    I installed LED strips that seem to be identical to those shown above by Max1. I was thrilled at first but I need to replace. I now notice that some of the LEDs wink out. When using shore power or underway, they are all bright. But if working at anchor, Not every LED in a strip comes on and...
  19. Marco Flamingo

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    Absolutely. If I dropped 800 feet of chain, I wouldn't need an anchor attached to the end of it in most anchorages that I use. It all depends on how much tension is put on the rode. In some situations, I don't put enough tension on the chain to ever pull on the anchor. If no tension, no...
  20. Marco Flamingo

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    My experience is that veering both lessens and increases the load. Although it seems that the boat is only going back and forth, it is most likely going in a figure 8 path. I experienced this when resetting the anchor one night. I suspected that I was dragging and needed to increase the...
  21. Marco Flamingo

    My Anti-roll Bag Experiment

    The ART works the same whether moving or at anchor. Not so with some of the common systems. My "rolling at the dock" test (or rolling at anchor) gives a good representation of the effectiveness of the ART system. Not true with rolling chocks or paravanes as they behave differently whether...
  22. Marco Flamingo

    AIS Pros & Cons?

    One of the DIY entries that can be made on the AIS is to turn off the unit from seeing your vessel. I don't know why seeing oneself is ever required. If it isn't turned off, a vessel with your name will approach from behind and jump on top of you every 30 seconds. Frustrating to have to turn...
  23. Marco Flamingo

    Cruise speed and fuel consumption

    Tung Hwa 30. Similar hull with a Lehman 80 hp. Just finished a two month cruise of +700 miles, boat loaded to the gills, mostly at 6.4 knots. 1.4 gallons per hour including our tiny diesel heater. Top speed according to the Garmin was 11 knots, but that was current pushing in a passage. We...
  24. Marco Flamingo

    Warm up 120HP lehman

    I don't think that's how it works. When the engine temp is rising, it means that the thermostat hasn't yet opened. Temp rises until it reaches the thermostat set point (190 degrees in my case), at which point the thermostat opens (and closes), keeping the temp steady. But I don't think that...
  25. Marco Flamingo

    Anchor Trip Line Technique

    I carry a trip line, but only use it on rare occasions, usually when I'm solo and remote. I don't worry about other boats fouling it, I worry about there not being another boat in the little anchorage for several weeks or maybe the rest of the year. No chance of a helper. Most any remote...
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