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  1. Nsail

    Surprised at the fuel dock

    Sorry about the thread drift, but this got me questioning about what I do with my sight tube valves. When away from the boat I keep them closed, and when on the boat I leave them open (the lower ones are not that easy to get to) so I can read them easily when on a trip. What do others do, or...
  2. Nsail

    Identifying your boat on the radio

    You obviously missed his point.
  3. Nsail

    ASD and the Inside Passage

    If you're going to Stuart Island, I would strongly consider Prevost Harbor over Reid Harbor (I actually love Reid Harbor also) for a couple of reasons - It looks like things will be on the cool side temperature wise, and Prevost will offer more sun (if there's any to be had). You have access...
  4. Nsail

    Bringing excess alcohol and tobacco into Canada

    This part of the post is correct.
  5. Nsail

    Bow rails?

    I didn't forget anything. I was simply answering his question.
  6. Nsail

    Bow rails?

    Better view through the salon/saloon windows.
  7. Nsail

    ASD and the Inside Passage

    Showing up on My recommendation is to always try both sites.
  8. Nsail

    Looking to see the San Juans on a trawler

    Must have heard it from Marin, who doesn't like anyone within 10 miles. Other than some marinas possibly being full in July and August, I've never seen it overcrowded. Plenty of great anchorages with plenty of space, unlike the SF Bay Area. Exploited? How so? snocrazee - San Juan's, go for...
  9. Nsail

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    If your goal is Desolation Sound and you only have 2 weeks, you won't have time to dilly dally in the Gulf Islands. Get there as fast (and safely) as you can. Save the Gulf Islands for another 2 week trip some other time. I've had to do in 2 weeks as well a couple of times. Day 1 Prevost if...
  10. Nsail

    Question - North winds on FL west coast

    Could you be confused on the wind direction? A north wind comes from the north, it is not heading north.
  11. Nsail

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Bedwell Harbour to Pender Harbour is right around 70 miles, depending upon which pass you choose.
  12. Nsail

    Hurricane experience

  13. Nsail

    Blogspot or FB?

    I think a 13 year old should be on a playground.
  14. Nsail

    Nova Kool Refrigerator

    Can't speak for the RFU9000, but 2 years ago I bought their single door freezer and a single door refrigerator. Both have been great. I had to call them once and they were very helpful. Maybe I was just lucky. And, maybe the RFU9000 is just not designed or built as well?
  15. Nsail

    Do you use your AP remote?

    I use mine all the time in the PNW. However, if it's a little rough or just some chop, logs can be difficult to see. When that's the case, I'll still use it, but only at the helms where I can get to the throttles and/or shifters fast, when otherwise altering course wouldn't be enough to avoid...
  16. Nsail

    Knots vs MPH

    For others that don't understand, koliver is not referring to knots per hour vs miles per hour. He's referring to kilometers per hour vs knots per hour and miles per hour. Big difference. If you're in Canadian waters and listening to certain weather broadcasts, it's imperative to know the...
  17. Nsail

    Weapons on Board - French Islands

    Would this somehow make them less arrogant?
  18. Nsail

    Cruising San Juan Islands

    To name just a few, Echo Bay at Sucia, Roche Harbor, Reid Harbor and even Prevost, can easily handle that many boats, especially in September. Nothing to be worried about.
  19. Nsail

    Stern anchor/shore Tie line

    As of last summer (first time I've noticed them), Melanie Cove does have several rings with chains.
  20. Nsail

    Victoria, BC to the Sea of Cortez

    Who are the naysayers you keep referring to?
  21. Nsail

    Not using your AIS

    Either your AIS is defective, or you have it zoomed out to an unusable level. I'm always surprised at how few recreational boats in the PNW actually have AIS. Never clutters or overcrowds the screen at any usable level.
  22. Nsail

    Interesting boats

    Actually, I knew it was a landing craft and have no idea why I typed barge. I see them all the time in the PNW. However, what I've never seen before is a high speed one, or, one that looks that nice (the paint looked perfect wherever I could see it).
  23. Nsail

    Interesting boats

    WTH is this? High speed Barge/Yacht?
  24. Nsail

    Hard to pump out black tank

    Crisp $100 bill? What a joke! Can't even buy a decent bag of groceries for that. You'll need to up the ante quite a bit in order to impress anyone with any sort of "challenge".
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