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  1. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Post #20 in this thread shares link to a story of a boat that caught fire (Manatee)...short electrical circuit causef fire in the wall in the salon. Lots of attention to engine room systems, but probably just or...
  2. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Underwriters probably evaluate a super high end late model American Tug a bit differently than a 1980 trawler. And. yes. I do believe some brokers. There are many very ethical sales people and you can be a very successful sales person by always telling the truth. the whole truth and nothing but...
  3. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    All said...I have to "stand corrected" on one issue. Research with Yacht brokers indicates that majority of yachts have auto engine fire systems. Seems that the "old" pre-2000 trawlers are only exception tho. So bringing a 1985 classic trawler "up to date" probably requires an engine room...
  4. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Fuel shutoff solenoid valves would reduce fuel from tanks reaching fire. Each "good idea" makes systems potentially more effective BUT....there is a downside...each escalation in complexity increases probability that system will fail. In 1973, I was Manager of Technical Services for a large...
  5. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression The Boat US article above is pretty interesting. More than half the fires are electrical...and not always electrical in the engine room. Got me thinking...what are most people doing to fight fires in the salon? Would you...
  6. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Yes..that Novev 1230 does seem impressive.
  7. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Actually, the Halon used for "streaming" was called 1211 and was developed in WWII..mostly for aircraft. Halon 1301 came later in 1954 as a "flooding" agent. They and their new replacements " both "kill" the fire but a little differently. It is more difficult to direct the flooding supressants...
  8. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    As is well illustrated in the 3M video: You need fuel, oxygen, heat, and a chemical action to support a fire. Every supression agent "attacks" them in a slightly different way. All of them attack the heat, oxygen and chemical action to some degree...
  9. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    I appreciate all the feedback. Kind of rethinking the adding of an automatic system. First, I am going to install a first class monitoring and alarm system for the engine room. So, I will know EARLY when/if a fire starts--hopefully long before engine room reaches 180F. As I mentioned earlier...
  10. stroutmail


    First company (Markel) to get back to me after submitting survey wanted a written "plan" for how I intended to "correct" all the 32 "B" Recommendations from the survey. Boat US/Geico requested same. I wrote a ten page summary of my plan to address all of the 32 "recommendations" including...
  11. stroutmail


    Thanks Great information--very helpful...sent u a PM--call me. BTW--I love the term "fiscally outrageous". I have to remind myself that insurers DO want my business. They are just trying to avoid excessive risk and engage in a bit of bureacratic CYA. Sort of like a courting dance. But it can...
  12. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression Here is a link that discusses the issue and ABYC A4. Probably the notion that one is not "safe" unless you have an auto suppression system will never set well with me. And, I am probably more afraid of fire than most. I just...
  13. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    That is exactly what the ABYC standards guys discussed. But, there is a point where overkill seems to describe. How much cost and sophistication is appropriate for a $80,000 boat?
  14. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Well reasoned...preventing the fire by managing ALL risks is just as important if not more so than how to put one out. Which is better...a well maintained boat, with superior electrical systems, limited flammable materials in the engine room (think non-flammable battery enclosures) and an...
  15. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression
  16. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    One could argue that "boats are different because you can't just escape a fire by exiting". But, IMHO. every boat should have a "life boat" of some kind so escape is possible.
  17. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    The controversy about automatic systems on boats is a bit like sprinkler systems in condos, apartments and homes. Very few states require MD. Many more states prohibit them. States/regions requiring fire sprinklers in new, one- and two-family homes: CA, MD, Washington, D.C...
  18. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    What % of motorboats less than 65 feet have an auto fire suppression system, or even a port to spray suppressant thru the floor? If a not having either is a danger to other boats, then a very large number of boats should be uninsurable. Gasoline powered boats are the real fire risk...yet there...
  19. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Portage Bay. I think your reasoning is very sound. The "the rate of rise" alarm and the camera with the manual activation is the key...because the Captain is in control..unless he is not paying attention..THEN the machine takes over with auto engine shutdown and auto activation. Have not seen...
  20. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    Probably not bad advice, but I really don't need hull coverage..just liability if I can find a carrier. Unless of course, if my boat fire while under way might endanger another boat. Rather than a port..I would prefer to install a proper manually remote activated spray system.
  21. stroutmail

    Fire Suppression

    I did not misapprehend. Go to link: Halon Frequently Asked Questions 1211 vs 1301..1301 is used for flooding. Only nerds 3-7% concentration ...1211 is used for streaming to be sprayed directly on flame. Halotron is like 1211. In race cars and is impossible to "flood" as there is...
  22. stroutmail


    Yes...I too have had Boat US in the past..before they farmed it out to Geico. Very good experience.
  23. stroutmail


    I am going to be searching for an insurer to provide liability only..I can self insure the hull value on a 35 year old boat. Any suggested carriers?
  24. stroutmail


    Insurance relies on investment income. They invest the premiums until they have to pay claims. With very low interest rates, it is harder for them to earn profits. Typically this leads to higher rates or a lot of advertising...and in some cases tougher underwriting. Even my surveyor is...
  25. stroutmail

    When Will Boat Prices Drop?

    You are blessed with good genes! In order to maintain my healthy weight, I have to exercise and restrict eating. Almost always hungry. I do allow myself one oz.. of bourbon daily tho.
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