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  1. Q

    Project creep now encompasses all new battery wiring

    Why? The upgraded starter for my motor is rated at 3kw, and the standard one at 1.7kw. Those are worst case numbers, so I should easily be able to start the engine on two of the three sets. As far as I can tell from the data sheet, it seems the 1C current for the T105 is 250amps, so I am...
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    Project creep now encompasses all new battery wiring

    I’ve redone the house wiring and the AC system, but the battery wiring to the primary switch is original. And after wasting most of a day yesterday just trying to run it all down, I’ve decided to rip it all out and start fresh. This whole thing was precipitated by my purchase of an arch and...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    Just to continue my ranting... I just got done replacing their “added” outlets, since as I was working my way back I found a stretch of solid conductor 14-3 Romex (and you had to know they used the red instead of the white) and replaced it. I had some wire left over from the last bit of the AC...
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    Alternator advice

    A quick thank you and update: I rebuilt the alternator myself after watching a few videos on YouTube. It turned out to be WAY easier than I thought. I ended up using the old case and just swapped out all the internals. When I get back from our next trip I’m going to have a spare built, as...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa I’ve been plugging away and making good progress since we got back from a great four days at the islands. That being said, I thought I had removed most of the PO’s booby traps. I missed one! So I wanted to remove the TV antenna amplifier box since I removed...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    Yesterday was pretty productive. I got the pulley off the old raw water pump, but it wasn’t fitting the keyed shaft easily. Rather than pound on it at the boat, I’ve brought it to work where I have much better tools. Here’s the “old and busted” vs. the “new hotness” in pump-land: . I got...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    I should have taken more pictures, but today was a super productive day. The new belts weren’t in yet, so the engine projects are on hold till Thursday, but there’s several little loose ends that needed finishing. The new plotter is all wired up, on the correct circuit, and is linked in with...
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    NMEA 0183 vs 2000: What's the difference?

    There is a really handy NMEA2K library for arduino. You can find the canbus interfaces on aliexpress for under $2, and build a gateway for cheap. I’ve managed to build my own little network in “the lab” for eventual integration into the boat network. If I can do it, anyone can. Once I got...
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    Alternator advice

    Thanks. This setup has run for at least twenty years before I showed up, and I didn’t adjust it in any way. Oddly enough I was surprised to find the 94amp rated version, as the most I’ve ever seen in bulk mode was 50 amps, so I’m guessing they had the field turned down because it’s a single...
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    Alternator advice

    Hello all, On our way back from the Channel Islands on Friday our alternator decided life was no longer worth living. I pulled it off to replace and now find myself in a quandary. Any and all opinions are welcomed. The alternator is a modified Delco 12SI-94. A previous owner way back had...
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    Richard on Dauntless is headed north

    A little late to the party but I drive Harbor/Channel Islands Blvd. as my commute, and Dauntless caught my eye driving by. Nice boat. Enjoy MBYC. That’s our home club. If your into semi-modern American food a friend of ours owns a restaurant down towards the north end of the Embarcadero...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    Ok, so just a quick one because when it rains it pours... I’m putting in a second plotter, this one up with the radios and not on the dash. It was really getting ratty back there (and with no-one to blame but me) so I fished some cable management stuff out of the back of the closet and cleaned...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    For a variety of not very interesting reasons (and a few much too interesting ones) I’ve taken a break from my own thread. But I have been working on the trawler, just not as much as I’d like and off-line. But I thought I’d ease back into the Internet life with a project I completed this...
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    Docking and Handling Single Engine Trawler

    I don't have a link, it was a recommendation of the boatyard guys. I have a single that's propped more for efficiency than speed, so I haven't noticed any real drag difference at 6 knots :-). I was trying to set up for bow and stern anchoring this past weekend in pretty tight quarters, and...
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    Docking and Handling Single Engine Trawler

    The wedge on the trailing end of the rudder is unbelievable. I had one added last summer, and the difference in close quarters is staggering. And, while I can't even begin to explain how, it actually works in reverse as well. I've posted pictures in other threads, but I can do so here if...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    Not exactly. I come from a singlehanded sailing background, so I'm comfortable with longer passages. The move to a trawler was so that we could cruise as a family, rather than just me. My wife has been on many multi-day dive boat trips, and a handful of "live-aboard" dive trips up to 10 days...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    Today was a good day. It was one of those "finish the half done projects and check them off days" which I needed after trying to run multiple parallel projects simultaneously. Why do I do that? I know better... Nav lights are done, minus the steaming light replacement, but I got the old one...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa I've been working on getting the trawler set up for night running, since we're planning on running overnight down to Catalina. I'm pretty sure the previous owner didn't run after dark, since the nav lights were suspect and there wasn't a red overhead light in...
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    Boat handling characteristics

    Here's two from mine. This wedge made the trawler (1979 C&L 37) an entirely different boat. It actually has some steerage without power. Before, the boat was like a giant jet-ski, it would only turn under power. Now I can turn even when traveling slowly. I had originally talked to the yard...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    In the end, it's all worth it. Every time. I'm also kind of surprised I still have service. Josh
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    Quick update: Nothing is done, but tons of stuff is "almost done." I ended up working for two months and logged an obscene amount of overtime. Which is good in that I've paid off all the bills and bought some new toys, and is bad in that I haven't had any real boat time. Did I mention I also...
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    I have the 1420 with the second control head.
  23. Q

    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    We have lights again! Just in time for the time change... I got the first third of the new panel hooked up, and it works well. In the process I ended up re-terminating a bunch of wires in the dash. Project creep at its finest. I also just ordered some thicker acrylic for the final panel...
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    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa

    2 year refit of C&L 37 Europa An update: I haven't posted anything because there really hasn't been any visible progress, at least not any visible to others. I've been working on the DC system and chasing down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. I just keep cutting stuff out. Here's a pic of...
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    When picking a new one I went with what all the commercial fisherman around here use: ComNav. Super simple, reliable, and when I called the company with pre-sales questions they spent a bunch of time working with me. Not a lot of bells and whistles, but I really only view my AP as a helmsman...
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