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  1. F

    Need attorney Cape Coral Area

    Your rights are to demand the boat be hauled immediately for a survey (at your expense), but unfortunately that probably won't happen now, with C-19 et al. However, considering how long this pandemic will last, and its effect on the charter industry as a whole, this charter company probably...
  2. F

    Best Trawler for <$100k-$125k?

    I believe the prices on boats and RVs are going to drop precipitously over the next few months, so I'd hold on a bit longer. Boats and RVs are always the first things people sell when their financial future is uncertain. In August 2009, when boats weren't selling at all, I got my boat for less...
  3. F

    Isn't boating an essential activity?

    I can't believe you are seriously asking this question. Yesterday, there were 33,536 reported new cases of C-19 and a reported total of 16,691 deaths from the C-19 virus and you want to go out and PLAY? How do you think the majority of those cases were spread, by immaculate transmission? Stay...
  4. F

    Need help on starting a Charter Boat business...

    We had a very successful charter business in the Caribbean until the C-19 imposed travel restrictions world wide. Obviously, this season died in February and we cannot foresee any business next season as most of our prospective customers will probably take a pretty big financial hit because of...
  5. F

    Rocna 10 or 15?

    Putting together your anchor and rode isn't just about the weight of the anchor, but also about the chain and/or line you are using. Properly sized anchor tackle is a complete system. I know folks who use a 125# anchor on 3/8" BBB chain. I know others who use the anchor from the manufacturer's...
  6. F

    Inside Passage Travel Route

    Obviously, if one doesn't have the speed or range, though I've deck loaded fuel in drums a number of times, it isn't something anyone would attempt. The left coast is not someplace to mess about when the weather is unpleasant!
  7. F

    Inside Passage Travel Route

    I've been operating small craft (under 80 feet) and larger now and then for over 5 decades professionally and haven't found 6/6 to be especially taxing, but perhaps as a professional the standard of maintenance on the vessels I operated was a bit better than non-professionally operated vessels...
  8. F

    Lost Propeller!

    I wasn't directing my post to you. Perhaps the OP hasn't the experience to know these things. A lot of folks operating pleasure craft may not have your knowledge and experience.
  9. F

    Lost Propeller!

    You can't just put any old prop on, even if it fits the shaft, taper and is the correct diameter. Most props can only be tweaked a couple of degrees either way and the pitch on a prop must be correct for your engine, transmission and reduction gear. Caution is the watch word here as an over...
  10. F

    Inside Passage Travel Route

    It really shouldn't be all that demanding, if the weather doesn't go bad. 3.1 days @ 8 knots, 6 on and 6 off for a couple, IF they have a good autopilot. 6 on and 6 off isn't too long on watch if one isn't steering and allows plenty of sleeping time. Enclosed pilot house et. al. so comfort and...
  11. F

    Inside Passage Travel Route

    I sincerely doubt they are patrolling beyond the 12 mile limit, which is the minimum I'd want to be offshore anyway. I believe the 200 is fisheries, etc. "Territorial sea, as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is a belt of coastal waters extending at most 12...
  12. F

    Lost Propeller!

    You did not mention whether the diver checked the hull. carefully for any damage. If you heard a loud bang, that would indicate the prop spun into the hull before dropping to the bottom. A spinning prop could easily cut through a goodly number of layers of the hull, and at the very least allow...
  13. F

    Inside Passage Travel Route

    Of course, the nice thing about having a boat if the borders are still closed, is you could always travel north out beyond Canadian waters, something you couldn't do in an RV. Then it would be a coastwise US to US trip, with no customs or immigration to worry about. Several times going north in...
  14. F

    Starting a diesel with "dead" batteries

    Wow. It's folks like you who make me wish I'd never posted this. Obviously, this site is a waste of my time 'cause you all got all the answers and so much experience you can't even imagine a worst case scenario. Good luck with your boating.
  15. F

    Starting a diesel with "dead" batteries

    I suppose if one had a genset or any other method to start the engine/genset then one wouldn't do this, would one? Duh.
  16. F

    Starting a diesel with "dead" batteries

    Yep, you sure will, or back off on the adjusting screw, but in an emergency one does what one must.
  17. F

    Starting a diesel with "dead" batteries

    I was going through a locker on the boat full of "stuff" today, trying to clean out some of that junk we boaters collect as we go through life, and I found four US dimes (a 10 cent piece for those unfamiliar with the term dime), neatly wrapped and shiny new. For those of you who do not have a...
  18. F

    Seagull appreciation time

    Yeah, I kinda figured there would be at least one child on this site that would go that direction.
  19. F

    Seagull appreciation time

    Then you obviously haven't read Johnathan Livingston Seagull. I suggest you pick up a copy as its a great read! As for aviation skills, I don't think many birds can surpass the boobies. They seem to be the daredevils of the sea birds, flying across the bow as close as they can while we're moving...
  20. F

    Refrigeration & AC: Chlorine vs Bromine

    In Charleston, SC City Marina I filled the sea strainer basket with the chlorine tabs several times a summer and it saved me having to clean the shell out of the lines in my A/C system. However, I don't believe either will keep the coils from getting coated with sediment, reducing the heat...
  21. F

    What material is best for US flag?

    We use the cheapest sewn nylon flags we can find. As full time liveaboard cruisers, we go through 3 to 4 flags a year and I can't see spending a lot of money on them. I've tried expensive ones but they don't last appreciably longer.
  22. F

    Seagull appreciation time

    Actually, when I sent a novice crew member ashore to buy a chicken for dinner in Palma de Mallorca, he returned with a good size nicely cleaned bird which I seasoned and put in the pressure cooker expecting a grand dinner in 15 minutes. Sadly, after more than an hour and a half in my pressure...
  23. F

    Detroit powerplant opinion

    I've been on vessels with Detroit Diesels since 1969 when I began my career at sea on northern trollers, fishing between the Mexican border and Kodiac Is, Ak. They are one of the hardiest, most reliable diesel engines ever manufactured. Each series, 53 and 71 have 70% parts interchangeability...
  24. F

    Sinking Disney tour boat

    Hardly thread police, but I really don't appreciate it being inferred that I'm full of sh*t when I answered a specific question directly.
  25. F

    Sinking Disney tour boat

    The Jungle Cruise boat that "SUNK" is an Attraction located IN Adventureland at Magic Kingdom Park and is the subject of this thread, is it not? Nobody asked for a breakdown of all the vessels Disney...
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