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  1. C

    Smart Y - Necessary?

    Sorry if this has been asked and answered; I can't find it. Doing the loop. The boat has a single 50 amp, 125/250v connection. Am I likely to need a Smart Y to get from two 30 amp 125v to the single 50 amp 125/250v? Or do most (all) marinas have the 50 amp? The Smart Y looks to be about...
  2. C

    Thanks to all

    Already built. And with all credit to Bruce B., I now own the domain
  3. C

    Perfect looper?

    I got a 48. Cat B rated. If I ever wander into Cat B conditions, it will be the end of boating with my wife.
  4. C

    Thanks to all

    As I posted on the “Perfect Looper” thread, I have bought a boat. I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to post advice on this forum; it was certainly helpful to me. Maybe in a while I'll be able to be helpful, instead of just asking questions.
  5. C

    Perfect looper?

    Perfect looper? I hope so. I bought one.
  6. C

    Sea going Hybrids are here like it or not

    If you want to run around at 30 knots, Greenline might not be the boat for you. But if you want to cruise the French canals at 5 knots, it might be just the thing.
  7. C

    Sea going Hybrids are here like it or not

    Lots of boats catch fire. Do you always suspect the batteries?
  8. C

    Safety and Systems Monitoring

    “several true ones”. Yikes!
  9. C

    Apparently Irma was a nothing burger

    Since 1900, 45 of the United States have experienced flooding that resulted in massive property damage and deaths. More than 50% of the people in the US live in a flood plain. But I suppose we could all pack into New Mexico.
  10. C

    Opportunity to see civil war history

    Another great American general, right up till he went to the other side: Benedict Arnold. America’s Monument to Its Most Infamous Traitor, Benedict Arnold - Neatorama
  11. C

    Hurricane Irma

    Rita was a fiasco, but a few years later, for Ike, it was much better. For two reasons. First, many refused to evacuate remembering the Rita fiasco, but second, the city and state did a much better job: reversed the lanes on freeways, had patrolling fuel trucks, tow trucks, etc.
  12. C

    Hurricane Irma

    The mayor of Houston was criticized for not ordering an evacuation of the city in the face of Harvey. One look at the Florida freeways explains his decision. Houston tried to evacuate in the face of Rita (or maybe it was Ike). Learned our lesson.
  13. C

    Opportunity to see civil war history

    Lee, Jackson and Davis were enemies of the United States of America. Whether their motivations were slavery, tariffs, taxes or states' rights, or some combination of some or all of those, they were tragically wrong; and I am glad the South lost (I grew up in Alabama). What country erects...
  14. C

    Cardude in Harvey bullseye

    There are lots of good stories out of Harvey: Houston cleanup has little crime and lots of helping hands | Fox News
  15. C

    Marina Eviction in advance of Irma

    Note that when the docks are empty, the pilings, attachments, etc. only have to take the loads of the piers. Add a bunch of boats, and the loads increase greatly. I wonder what case the marinas use for the initial design.
  16. C

    Hurricane Irma

    Both is not a good thing. You can't change your mind half-way through. Run, run, run.
  17. C

    Cardude in Harvey bullseye

    It's not being reported but you know about it somehow? And it "appears" to be getting worse? Are you having visions? Are you on the scene? There was a false Facebook post claiming the Cajun Navy had been shot at. Does that dissuade other potential volunteers? I don't know, but we don't...
  18. C

    Chip & Sign Credit Cards

    Not too many years ago, credit cards were uncommon in Europe. When Europe finally adopted credit card usage, it leap-frogged signatures and went to chip and pin. The US has an installed base of credit card stripe scanners that is worth billions. It will take a while to convert.
  19. C

    Cardude in Harvey bullseye

    Thanks for coming to help. I think you will be amazed at how quickly the area puts itself back together.
  20. C

    Chip & Sign Credit Cards

    My chip and pin card is from the Andrews Federal Credit Union. No foreign transaction fees. It works most everywhere, except occasionally in France, where you need a French bank issued card to be certain.
  21. C

    Chip & Sign Credit Cards

    And by the way, it doesn't work everywhere in France. Some machines will only take a French bank issued chip and pin card. Got stuck in a parking lot one time.
  22. C

    Chip & Sign Credit Cards

    My chip and sign cards would not work where there were no attendants in Europe. The machine would demand a pin. I had to get a true chip and pin card to use in Europe.
  23. C

    Cardude in Harvey bullseye

    Texas has laws prohibiting price-gouging, and every public official on TV is reminding. 15 states have no such laws. Enforcement is always problematic.
  24. C

    Cardude in Harvey bullseye

    You may remember all of the houses along the lower San Jancinto and Trinity rivers that used to flood all the time; they were the classic examples of abuse of the program. They're mostly gone, either bought out by the program or the premiums are unaffordable.
  25. C

    Cardude in Harvey bullseye

    I remember when Johnny Carson told a joke about a shortage of toilet paper and caused a run that emptied shelves for two weeks.
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