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  1. P

    Hello from Germany

    Wow, my wife and I went through that region on a river cruise back in 2018. What a cruising ground..! You are so lucky. :flowers: :thumb: PS. Ich muss Sie jedoch daran erinnern, dass es von nun an verboten ist, fortzufahren, ohne Fotos Ihres Schiffes zu veröffentlichen. :D Ok, ok, that...
  2. P

    New member

    In that case, you'll be fine, so enjoy the journey. :thumb:
  3. P

    Hello All

    Welcome aboard. Please do tell us a bit more about yourself, and your plans. :flowers:
  4. P

    New member

    Welcome to TF. Big plan there. Good luck with it. Do you have any other relevant boating experience - big boat related preferably. Otherwise you are on a very steep learning curve. However, that's the fun part, so don't despair. :flowers:
  5. P

    Anchoring Technique - Three Questions

    Basically Pete, it boils down to one's experience with your anchor. Many of the later gen designs just do not need a power set - in fact, as Panope's tests showed, some do better left to sit/sink a bit before strain going on. Over time you get the feeling of what is right for your set-up -...
  6. P

    Double Island Point?

    That's a bit sad. It looks like it was an excellent anchorage. The sort I used to like a lot when looking for a good over-nighter...maybe a decent storm might open her up again in the future..?:ermm:
  7. P

    Reporting in

    Welcome to TF. Of course we require photos... :flowers:
  8. P


    Welcome to TF. Your post gives meaning to the old saying, 'third time lucky'. Hang in there now you're on a roll, and keep going. Next challenge is we require photos... :D Plenty of help re that here... :thumb:
  9. P

    Where is my oil pressure sending unit?

    Welcome to TF, and I'll now direct your request thread to the area more likely to get good exposure than Welcome Mat. :flowers:
  10. P

    Dumb shite "tradies" do

    Great post Simi, and why the most common cry from me, others passing by down at the marina near me would likely have heard would have been..."why does everything have to be so bloody hard..!!!?" :facepalm:
  11. P

    Replace a Suncor anchor with... what?

    Originally Posted by mvweebles "Anchor" is a bit of a misnomer for the CQR. More of a "movement abatement" device. Peter In the case of the CQR anchor I dumped in favour of a Super Sarca, I would hesitate to even use that description, it was so bad. However, I think it was a knock-off CQR..?
  12. P

    A sad day for me ..........until it wasnt

    Yeah. Where would we be without the ability to rationalise..? :D I spent about 90k all up on my boat, and got exactly half that back when we sold. I reckon we got 45k worth of fun out of her over the 16 years we owned here, plus now the marina berth I bought is paying me money being rented...
  13. P

    Will the Titanic claim a few more?

    Possibly time to start putting this thread to bed dear people..? ?
  14. P

    I think I just bought a boat.

    The OP has not chimed back in. Maybe he didn't get the boat after all, or just too busy tidying up all the details..? Let's hope he gets back to us with the outcome a s a p. :)
  15. P

    Rocna Vulcan problems

    Absolutely right. Like Delfin and several others have said. Too much backing down and doing it too soon will be the issue for sure. That sort of approach was mostly needed with the older generation anchors like the CQR/plough and Danforth types. That keel-like thing under it is to tip it...
  16. P

    New potential owner

    I think that would be a GB 47 EU = GB Europa style...?
  17. P

    Shipyard Drama - Advice Appreciated

    Having read all the above, and looking back on my experience when I was having work done - which involved quite a lot of timber repairs, regular bottom paint every two seasons, and one complete 2-pack repaint of the hull, with the cost virtually never exceeding the quote given, I realise just...
  18. P

    Salt water strainer

    Welcome to the Forum, and I've moved your thread to an area more specific to your needs. :flowers:
  19. P

    Mainship 34 trawler fuel return

    Welcome to the forum - and good luck with all that. It's meant to be fun, remember... :flowers:
  20. P

    Now I have gone and done it...

    Welcome to the forum. Oh have interesting times ahead - very interesting. But good luck with it all. Just remember, it is meant to be fun..! And there is plenty of assistance available on here. :D :flowers:
  21. P

    Cruising Family

    Welcome to the forum. The GB42 is a great boat. A friend of mine has one in the South of France, and I've been aboard. Sadly we had no time to go out in her though. :flowers:
  22. P

    For Sale: pilote auto Cetrek

    Welcome to the forum. I have taken the liberty of putting up an English version for wider coverage. :flowers:
  23. P

    Why Move from Sailboat to Trawler?

    Yah had to go and spoil it didn'tcha..? :D
  24. P

    Favorite Nautical Movies

    It is called 'True Spirit', and is the story of 16 year old Jessica Watson's record for youngest female unassisted circumnavigation. I must watch it myself, it has been on my to-do list for some time. I believe it is very well done...
  25. P

    Ultra anchor issues

    Definitely sounds weird, as normally the heavier anchor should set more quickly, whatever the connecting part. It is in retrieval those connectors tend to come into play. Is it possible the heavier anchor just has a more blunt tip..? It is interesting this is apparently only an issue in hard...
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