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  1. Hawgwash

    What Would You Do?

    By golly, it has been a long winter.
  2. Hawgwash

    What Would You Do?

  3. Hawgwash

    What Would You Do?

    You don't know for certain when or how the "chip" arrived. Besides reporting it to the marina, I'd make an attempt to contact the owner directly and report only what I had actually witnessed and leave it at that.
  4. Hawgwash

    MOB - Safety

    Scenario 1…unbeknownst to you, while exploring ashore, the kids joyride that thing, suck up a plastic bag and quietly put it back where they found it. Scenario 2…knowing the kids can’t leave anything alone, you lock it up and MOB has the key. I’ll stick with old skool, thank you muchly.
  5. Hawgwash

    CAT 3208 new knock

    09-21-2016, 03:34 PM----------------22-02-2017, 10:45PM. What happened in between?
  6. Hawgwash

    Flying Bridge Removal for Shipping?

    David; Movers for what you want are not plentiful. Depending on the boat and bridge, it could involve one or two trucks and I would start with for brain picking, quote and general information. Then I would talk to they...
  7. Hawgwash

    Music favs
  8. Hawgwash

    Looking For a Capstan

    Robert knows most every gunk hole and gurdy from Nanoose to Naknek so if one exists, he will likely know where it is. He's a quiet, private guy but I'll ask if you like. Also asked an crusty old rigger who scrounges grown over camps...
  9. Hawgwash

    Looking For a Capstan

    Didja try da Bitter End Boater’s Exchange in Gibsons
  10. Hawgwash

    Warship recognition
  11. Hawgwash

    Benford Fantail 38 resurrection

    Wallace! Get a damn hat! The Abaco sun considers baby white Canadian skin a delicacy.
  12. Hawgwash

    1980 CHB leaking window deal breaker?

    If you are serious about paragraph one above, your 27k boat just became a 50k boat before any leak repair.
  13. Hawgwash

    A Blackfish Buffet

    Monday Jan 2, 2017 Transient Bigg's (meat eating) Killer Whales certainly made a huge splash by sneaking up on around 600 Pacific White Sided Dolphins who were merrily feeding just off Texada Island. Once the Dolphins realized they were about to become lunch, they all exploded out of the water...
  14. Hawgwash

    Music favs

    Don; Thank you for doing this; thediversity is amazing. So many forgotten names; somany unheard of artists. So, this is Christmas...
  15. Hawgwash

    Tug Aground-Sank Northern B.C.

    It does matter if slight of hand was used to fudge the manning. A pilot may not have made the difference but it could have lowered the odds. In so many areas of life, when an "accident" happens, it is highly unlikely the behavior leading up to it was a first time occurrence. Hey, maybe just...
  16. Hawgwash

    Tug Aground-Sank Northern B.C.

    Is manipulating tonnage then lobbying for special treatment and exemptions, "best practices?"
  17. Hawgwash

    Looking for PNW Cruising Advice

    Do you have an idea of the drill when you get there? Will she have already been splashed and run around by NT? How much time they will spend with you?
  18. Hawgwash

    Tug Aground-Sank Northern B.C.

    I like your input on this thread cappy. It's relevant and you do a good job trying to explain the tonnage maze. :thumb:
  19. Hawgwash

    Tug Aground-Sank Northern B.C.

    With that cappy, you are assuming that they were following some "normal" change routine and that a change actually took place. Our tugs that drag sticks a couple hundred miles down the coast, sometimes hitched to a pin for days waiting on weather, might adjust the change times according to...
  20. Hawgwash

    Diagnosis (as in NY Times Mag)

    Bum starter.
  21. Hawgwash

    Looking for PNW Cruising Advice

    So, getting back to cruising options and the time elements, having your car along is an added bonus. When things go sideways for a day or four, you can easily escape the tulip tourists with a drive up to Whistler.
  22. Hawgwash

    Wanted: Grand Banks 50

    Portland? Vancouver Island? Tin Hau? Been here? Grand Banks Woodies Owner's Resources&
  23. Hawgwash

    Looking for PNW Cruising Advice

    If I were in your position: Brand new boat. Brand new "power" boaters. Brand new waters. I would forget about crossing the border. I would make D Hays my best friend. I would head north up Swinomish channel, spend a week to 10 days in the San Juans. I would circle back down through Deception...
  24. Hawgwash

    Tug Aground-Sank Northern B.C.
  25. Hawgwash

    Tug Aground-Sank Northern B.C.

    Naw...Every tug on the coast had that before sun up.
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