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  1. Hawgwash

    Another near miss in Bella Bella B.C.

    Even so, cruise ships run tighter quarters than that ATB. There is also a very large political (Federal, Provincial, First Nations, enviros) component that needn’t be gone into here. Tankers, moratoriums etc. etc. I’ll concede the fuel volume debate. The initial CCG report had it at 3.5...
  2. Hawgwash

    Another near miss in Bella Bella B.C.

    On that nonstop run, Vancouver to AK, no, not at all. It's economics and Salty at #8 pointed out the crew and licensing elements. He could explain it a lot better than I.
  3. Hawgwash

    Another near miss in Bella Bella B.C.

    The very point of my comments. It's called lazy, good enough or doesn't matter. Last year the Nathan E Stewart did run aground near Bella Bella and it was required to have a 2 man watch and they were to be awake. Neither happened. That is official TSB. I could be wrong on that one but I...
  4. Hawgwash

    Another near miss in Bella Bella B.C.

    Well, I tend to put a little more faith in AIS, CCG and the ATB O/O. Statement from Harley Marine Regarding Tug Jake Shearer and Barge: SEATTLE, WA, Nov. 27, 2017 /CNW/ On Sunday, November 26 at approximately 5 pm Pacific time an incident began when the articulated tug and barge, tug JAKE...
  5. Hawgwash

    Another near miss in Bella Bella B.C.

    Salty, I won’t argue with you because I have huge respect for you, your knowledge and experience. Neither ATBs nor wire, should be used in this application and if fuel oil has to be hauled, then stick it in a proper damned tanker and go off shore. Operating two-piece, pinned rigs, in the...
  6. Hawgwash

    Another near miss in Bella Bella B.C.

    Did someone in DC write this fake news? As much as it is asinine to be using ATBs in our waters and as much as I would like to see this nonsense ended yesterday, this was in open water, not the inside passage, nowhere near Bella Bella and it was not carrying millions of gallons of fuel. Modern...
  7. Hawgwash

    Crossing Georgia Strait

    ..................................................................................... ...................................................................................................
  8. Hawgwash

    maybe time to go fishing?
  9. Hawgwash

    maybe time to go fishing?
  10. Hawgwash

    Zrmakk first post many more questions to come !!!

    No one has said don’t buy the tug or don’t trailer it. Jim and Lisa Favors travelled all over the US, Canada and the Bahamas in a R27 and R29; using it as a motorhome between launch sites. They’ve had a blast and an envious time. The folks JDCave mentioned, with the 26 Commander, had the...
  11. Hawgwash

    Zrmakk first post many more questions to come !!!

    I’m having a hard time imagining you thoughts so, help me out here Zrmakk. 5 to 8 weeks a year; all at once, or broken up? What about the other 45 or so weeks; it just gonna sit in AB? Trailer to the Kootenays or Okanagan in between maybe? Ok, I know, folks drag rigs back and forth over the...
  12. Hawgwash

    Favorite Boat Themed Song
  13. Hawgwash

    Pairadice and ASD Alaska Adventure 2017

    John’s fish has lice = fresh caught. Tom’s fish don’t = fresh bought.
  14. Hawgwash

    Pacific Yellowfin

    Anyone around Bella Bella keep an eye out for this gem; Currently sitting Troup Narrows.
  15. Hawgwash

    Desolation Sound, 2017

    You remember correctly but to be true to history it was the frst of 3 Union Steamships named Capilano, though none used a number designation. Capilano (I) a 120', steel, built in sections in Scotland and assembled in Vancouver’s Coal Harbour in 1891. In 1915 she hit a rock off Texada and sank...
  16. Hawgwash

    Desolation Sound, 2017

    X, there you are. Did you miss this? And this, post 31? No need to reply here and sidetrack Dave.
  17. Hawgwash

    Desolation Sound, 2017

    Well, while I was drafting this, I see you were already plotting. But, anyway; ...First to your points, Smugglers should have room in the week, early like and if not, Secret is right there. If you do go into Smugglers, mind the ledge to stb or you'll have another avatar like your original. Looks...
  18. Hawgwash

    Desolation Sound, 2017

    Dave, I know you are watching the calendar and weather with the 23rd in mind so I’ll toss one out for next year. When I saw you in Teakerne, I was hoping you would come out and head up Lewis, then go into but you fooled me. Anyway next year when you decide to...
  19. Hawgwash

    Boats, a sentimental attachment?

    When I was a kid, I had a horse. Well, me grandad did. He was a big old Clyde (the horse not grandad) used mainly for chores, but I rode him like a pony. He liked that role and thanked me for the fun by playing me. Stand on my foot, look at me and grin when I was trying to harness him. Go at a...
  20. Hawgwash

    Boom Boat

    Well, you could always have one built: Or, just buy one:
  21. Hawgwash

    How can I get a ride on a trawler

    What great, stand up folks. Really. :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
  22. Hawgwash

    DD 8.2 Stall.

    So, he went over everything he could get at and didn't find anything. Did get a 1/8" tweak on 2 fittings above the secondary. That's it. See what happens.
  23. Hawgwash

    How can I get a ride on a trawler

    Sounds like you have skills, qualifications and time. Why not put yourself in target rich environments? Dock walk in Lauderdale, talk to delivery captains. Hit the Mainship dealers and offer temp help with sales and boat show deliveries. Make up some cards, network and schmooze. Consider...
  24. Hawgwash

    School of hard knocks

    Running at night in familiar waters, something just didn't look right. I wrinkled my brow, thought about it, but carried on. The further I went the more unfamiliar it became until I stopped, got out the chart, reoriented and realized I missed a turn and was in a bay instead of a channel. I...
  25. Hawgwash

    Operation at Night

    It's a two part answer for me. "Anytime" and "Only when absolutely necessary." I used to run all over the south BC coast at all hours of the night; with just a radio, sounder, paper charts and searchlight. I knew what one beacon was by the others around it. Now would be reluctant to do it...
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