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  1. Keith

    Varnish for exterior

    I keep the catalyst for my Honey Teak in the refrigerator. Lasts at least a year that way.
  2. Keith

    Prop shaft packing

    A couple of things. First, you may have to remove ALL the packing and repack from scratch. This is possible to do in the water by sealing the shaft entry from the outside with clay or something, or just watch the water gush in until you get the new packing in. Or you can haul the boat and do it...
  3. Keith

    New Age tranny lubrication

    My Borg Warner tranny manual says that the preferred fluid is ATF, but straight 30W oil is fine too. That's what the PO used for, oh, 4000 hrs and it seemed to work fine. When I was doing a major refit, I had the tranny rebuilt as PM and have used ATF ever since.
  4. Keith

    Spreader lights

    One way to make your boat way more visible at night is to take a bucket and cover the outside with 3M Scotchbrite reflective tape. Man, that thing will light up with the slightest light pointed at it! If you're going to leave the spreader lights on all night, I'd also look at their power...
  5. Keith

    Venting a Smelly Raw Water Line

    Ron's suggestion is the best fix IMHO. The stuff that's living (and dying) in there is microscopic, so a screen won't stop it, although it might improve it. All those other ideas are just adding things to fail into the system. If it's that big a deal, plumb it into your FW system.
  6. Keith

    Durable marina entrance markers?

    No idea. There is hardly ever any commercial traffic up in here unless they are dredging, which is rarely. Almost has to be pleasure boaters. We used to have three pole setups on each side, but hurricane Ike worked them loose, they they were gone. I think they put single poles back up, but they...
  7. Keith

    Durable marina entrance markers?

    That's the answer! We'll put up signs that say "do not hit". Or maybe get some old WWII mines and paint them red and green. Now back to constructive suggestions... Wonder if we could find a couple of old steel buoys surplus and use those?
  8. Keith

    Durable marina entrance markers?

    Our marina has put up daymarks on telephone poles as entrance markers, but they just keep getting knocked down. They have used single poles and clusters of 3; both get the same results. Any ideas on something a little more resistant to boat hits?
  9. Keith

    TMCA Spring Fling May 17th - 19th

    Registration isn't open yet. I sure hope they've dredged that entrance channel. Anybody been in there lately?
  10. Keith

    Q: Energize to stop or energize to run solenoid

    Energize to stop, especially if you have a single. I'd much rather have to go down to manually stop the engine than have it quit on me in the middle of traffic.
  11. Keith

    Wiper Motor Questions

    I have the same thing on my Krogen.
  12. Keith

    Radar on the ICW

    If my boat's moving, the radar is on. You need to learn how to use it, adjust it, and interpret what it's showing you while it's clear. Not when the SHTF.
  13. Keith

    radar reflectors

    Your radar reflector is that big hunk(s) of metal in your engine room.
  14. Keith

    Washer Dryer question..

    A ventless W/D is just that, ventless. Here's a manual you're welcome to look at: There is hot water in, cold water in, and wastewater out. On a boat, this goes overboard. No vent inside the boat. If you've ever taken a chemistry class, you used a...
  15. Keith

    Ford Lehman 120 locked up

    Replace the damper plate while you've got it all apart. Keep the old one for an emergency spare. Agree with Kevin...might as well do it all while it's apart, unless you're just getting it to run long enough to sell.
  16. Keith

    Ford Osco-Bowman 130

    The 135 isn't a turbo, and actually, Bob Smith liked the 120 better. I like the 135 since I have one, and it doesn't have that Simms injector pump that requires oil every 5o hours. That would be every two days while full time cruising. No thanks.
  17. Keith

    Gas storage

    Ah, silence is still golden. :lol:
  18. Keith

    Gas storage

    Geez Ron, why don't you respond to EVERY question on this forum like that? They all meet the same criteria.
  19. Keith

    Fuel tank removal

    Just remember one word my boy... Sawzall.
  20. Keith

    To the or not to the . . .

    The first statement is a polite NO from a southerner.
  21. Keith

    Washer Dryer question..

    The condenser units do not "vent" at all...they condense the water vapor into liquid, which drains somewhere. I've had a vented and a condenser model, and performance-wise they were almost exactly the same.
  22. Keith

    Gas storage

    How immature, Marin. You act like a 6th grader. What's new? But here's a big boy question, How many possible percentages are between 0 and 10? I'll make it easy. Just use whole numbers.
  23. Keith

    What's up with Garmin automobile GPS'?

    I've had two Tom-Toms. The last one took FIVE tries to get one than worked longer than a couple of weeks. One replacement was DOA out of the box. I decided to go with Garmin for a replacement. However, not only do they have long lead times, but it appears that none of them will do the live...
  24. Keith

    Gas storage

    Doesn't list percentage.
  25. Keith

    Gasoline disposal

    You bet! Let's kill off about a billion of those nasty humans.
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