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  1. BamaTrader36

    Help with prop size- Marine Trader 36/Lehmans

    My local prop guy suggested 22x 13 or 14" props. The gent I bought my boat from had rarely used the boat since restoring and splashing her and the existing 22x22's were available to him so he threw them on. I am currently cruising at 1450 rpm and can only max out at 1800, when the engines were...
  2. BamaTrader36

    Help with prop size- Marine Trader 36/Lehmans

    Props are clean and run up to full RPM under no load. They just have too much pitch. I am wondering if I should try to go to 13 or 14" pitch- and where I could buy these props.
  3. BamaTrader36

    Help with prop size- Marine Trader 36/Lehmans

    All, I recently purchased a 1984 Marine Trader 36 with twin 90 HP Lehmans. It currently has 22x22 4-blade props, which is way overpropped. She will only turn up 1800 and I currently cruise at 7.4 kts at 1450. My understanding is that she should turn up to 2600. Does anyone with a similar...
  4. BamaTrader36

    Newbie starts home

    Hey Sea Hag, I also live in Gulf Shores and just bought a trawler and she's at the Wharf now behind my office. Let me know if you need any help on the maintenance side. I can hook you up with a couple of my guys and save you some $$$. Would love to see your new ride! Cheers, Ben.
  5. BamaTrader36

    Hey there!

    Big Chuck, yes. He and I are very good friends. Small world.
  6. BamaTrader36

    Hey there!

    Hey Don, We kept our Bertram at Sportsman- she's actually still there. The Wharf is on the ICW at the end of the Foley Beach Express bridge. May not have been the during your tenure. Let me see if I can attach pics...
  7. BamaTrader36

    Hey there!

    After years of racing sailboats, speedboats, sport fish, etc. we have finally settled down and bought a trawler- something we should have done a few years back. I realized that I am turning 40 next year and need to slow down a bit, because I've been missing too much. :) We are the proud new...
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