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    Photo Gallery - All Members Boats

    Marine trader 50 wide body “Grass Skirt”
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    We made the trip in 2015 in a Hans Christian 38 Mkii at night. We lost the transponder so no depth sounder. The submerged tree stumps kept us in the middle. It was the trip from hell.
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    Sailing vs. Trawlering

    Have done both. Sailing pros. Cheap, romantic, and in some cases quieter. Cons wet and cold, wet and hot, still have to motor 50% of the time, heeled under sail. Trawler cons fuel pros AC, Ice maker, stove oven refrigerator freezer dry and warm dry and cool no heeling WAY MORE ROOM
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    Boarded by Coast Guard

    Only once We were boarded by the coast guard only once. We were 15 miles offshore in the Atlantic in a storm with a onboard fire. As for mysel I was happy to see them.
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