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  1. N

    Marinas in SE alaska to leave boat for summer

    Beautiful downtown Craig... Kind of depends on what kind of cruising you want to do. If it's remote style, with some fishing and whale watching and solitude, Craig, on the west side of POW, might be a consideration: Haul out and storage, fuel and shopping, accessibility of remote anchorages...
  2. N

    The story of Joshua Slocum

    May I suggest-slightly more in keeping with us motorboaters, and perhaps of particular interest to the womenfolk aboard- THE CURVE OF TIME by M. Wylie Blanchett. Imagine: 1926 Pacific Northwest, a widow, five kids, and a 25 foot motorboat with no electronics (of course)....Great read.
  3. N

    For Sale: hundested controlable pitch prop

    Hundsted CPP still available Hi gang. I wasn't sure how to relist this item so I thought I'd try this....Dad is now 2 years older (91!), and 3 years grumpier. I'm afraid he'll take it to the dump if one of you doesn't take it off my hands.....Make offer, please! Aloha, Steve.
  4. N

    For Sale: hundested controlable pitch prop

    Hi gang. What I've got here is a Hundested Controllable Pitch Propeller assembly. The ultimate set up for maximum fuel economy and power delivery on a displacement hull. This is Hundested's smallest unit, probably good for a boat up to '32. I bought it years ago- it is untested, but previous...
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