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  1. N

    How Many Uses For a Wet/Dry Vac Aboard?

    For larger diameter conduit, take a poly shopping bag :eek: (for all you "green" types) and make a small bubble (trapped air) in one corner. Wrap/tie your pulling string with electrical tape to seal bubble and stuff it into the conduit. Easy-peasy :thumb:
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    Aluminum window frames peeling

    Show off!! :thumb:
  3. N

    Aluminum window frames peeling

    Many posts have mentioned sanding your aluminum frames. A word of caution: the improper use of steel wool, steel brushes or carbon based abrasives can force small (read microscopic) pieces of steel into the surface of the aluminum this will result in dissimilar metal corrosion. This corrosion...
  4. N

    Cooler choices

    Article on front page of Wall Street Journal today. Seems there is a big business in stealing Yeti coolers these days!:ermm:
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    Gravel barge just flipped in Seattle ship canal

    Haha! It's perspective, I suppose. When you said "loaded from the end" I visualized the barge being nosed into the bank, so to speak. You are correct, a barge is loaded from one end to another, parallel to the bank. :thumb: No, I was not a tankerman, we called them line boats, not fleet...
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    Windmills & wine

    Haha! I can't say that for our towboats! We have something similar on the northern Ohio/Pittsburg/Three Rivers area. Much to the chagrin of their captains, they are affectionately referred to as "jack-off boats" due to their hydraulic manipulations.:blush::blush::blush:
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    Gravel barge just flipped in Seattle ship canal

    Merely an attempt to illustrate how quickly this situation occurs. I agree the wires would have to break, but the wires breaking in and of themselves would not make the barge roll. Improper loading coupled with compartment flooding is only my guess without having been there. I have never seen...
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    Gravel barge just flipped in Seattle ship canal

    They may be "watertight" by design, but I've never seen one that was. I can't speak to ocean going barges, but the ones on the Ohio River are less than. They do have separate compartments accessed by manholes, but I've never seen a seal/gasket in place on one of those manholes. A captain can...
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    Windmills & wine

    :blush:Sorry about that. My fingers are too fat for my phone. Meant to copy post of the boat pics
  10. N

    Windmills & wine

    Does the pilot house on the "Arizona" move up and down for bridge clearance?
  11. N

    How Often Should I Run Engines And Gen.

    Does anyone have an opinion on a pre-lube system? Although it won't help your ring/cylinder walls, it'll give you a little help on the bottom end. Engine Pre Lube System Insta-Lube Kit
  12. N

    Fingers in the winch

    IMHO Secure the boat first. Make sure you're not drifting over the falls, in front of an oncoming tanker or about to run aground. Don't let one emergency become two.:eek: Probably not the plan you're husband wants to hear but you can't help him if you're a victim too.:blush:
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    How do I know

    Unless it's the other woman! haha
  14. N

    Hairline cracks in fiberglass deck

    I don't want to be a smart a##, but water doesn't always run downhill. If you are having trouble locating the entry point, you might look "uphill" of where the leak appears inside. This is due to surface friction. In construction using laminations or lap joints, it is possible for the materials...
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    Solo anchoring

    I'll work on it. Fletcher500 called me "Notlong". I had to laugh (some might say "not long enough") so I might go with that. Currently I reside in KY due to a lapse in judgement, hence the use of the phrase "land locked". If you've ever been to Eastern KY, you'll know why my current locale is...
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    Solo anchoring

    Fletcher - I looked at them. I like their dual frequency redundancy. I can see me hopping onto the dock, turning around and seeing my ride motor off in the distance because some kid with a R/C boat has highjacked the freq! haha
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    Solo anchoring

    Hi everyone, new guy here. I searched wireless engine controls and it sent me here. So while not exactly on topic, not completely off target either. I have begun my search/research for a boat (I'm about 3 years out) and since I have been told I'm difficult to live with (really...I don't see...
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