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  1. C

    Interesting boats

    I didn't mean 6l3s were in buses but that Gardner's were used in buses.
  2. C

    Interesting boats

    It looks like a Gardner 6L3B, about 170 BHP at about 1100 RPM. Have a look on YOUTUBE, there's plenty of footage on there. Gardner's are regarded as the Rolls Royce of diesel engines in the UK. There reliability is legendary, fuel consumption unbeatable. My own Gardner was new in 1970...
  3. C

    Interesting boats

    A shame about the draft, 7'. However if you were looking for a base in Europe I can think of worse places than Portugal if the boat comes with it's mooring. Trinity House boats are built to fantastic spec.
  4. C

    Interesting boats

    Very nice looking craft North Baltic Sea. Yes the Hull is gloss black up to the red rubbing strake, then dark blue, the upper deck works are a pale cream.
  5. C

    Interesting boats

    Just a little bit more info. The Naval Architect who designed the boat for us passed a disc with all the steel specs on to a steel supplier and all the steel was cut under water with some sort of plasma cutting thingummy. The steel amounted to about 25 tons. Some of the 12mm thick steel on the...
  6. C

    Interesting boats

    Oh yes, even though she is a mixture of 12mm and 6mm steel plate we still put in over 12 tons of steel ballast. The main concern was getting the bow down. The engine weighing over 2 tons and being right back aft brought the bow up. The wheelhouse and deck saloon is 5mm.
  7. C

    Interesting boats

    We may well fit Radar, as for the Genny we haven't made our minds up. It's not hurting anything sat there. The last trip we did was for about 2 months and never had shore power and never used the generator. While cruising we could use the washing machine etc via inverter, moored up we were self...
  8. C

    Interesting boats

    The boatyard took about 6 months to build the shell, we took it from there. Apart from the Spray foam insulation, I did everything else. We have 4 tanks. Water about 500 gallons, black tank 300 gallons, heating oil tank 200 gallons, and engine propulsion tank 500 gallons. We don't have radar...
  9. C

    Interesting boats

    We cruise at 1200 rpm which gives us about 6 knots and don't know about mpg, but with the famous frugality of the Gardner we burn about a gallon an hour.
  10. C

    No need for bridge opening......

    Ah remember the Corinth well.:socool:
  11. C

    Interesting boats

    Here is my boat a British built steel Edwardian style replica motor vessel. 60' long, beam 14', draught 4', and airdraft 10'. About 50 tons. Gardner 6cyl diesel. Naval Architect designed from a picture we supplied. Capable of crossing over to Europe and going onto their inland waterways hence...
  12. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    It was probably us. We do venture inland to Leeds now and again. We usually Moor in Castleford, Woodlesford and outside the Jousting Arena at the Leeds Armouries. If we were aboard we can usually be seen in the deck saloon.
  13. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    As requested some interior shots.
  14. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    Goole on the River Ouse.
  15. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    Coming onto the Aire & Calder Canal, via Goole Docks.
  16. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    Hello, There is a forum called Thunderboat. It is mainly concerned with the UK inland waterways. The reason I mention this is because there is a guy who regularly posts on there from Finland. I believe he has a Narrowboat based over here on the canal system.
  17. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    Cygnus is 60 x 14 x 4 and airdraft of 10'. The inland canal and River area that we cover is designed for large craft. The North Sea is on our doorstep. Yes it can be very changeable, but also we can have some nice spells of settled weather.
  18. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    Eyup, We are currently moored in Goole, East Yorkshire. Handy for the Wide canal network, and also the tidal Yorkshire Ouse, Tidal Trent and the River Humber. Our inland stamping ground is York, Leeds, Nottingham. Obviously we have the Humber estuary on our doorstep. We haven't ventured beyond...
  19. C

    Hello from Yorkshire, England

    Having just joined the forum I thought it would be polite to introduce ourselves. We have been liveaboard boaters for 20 years here in the UK. We have a 60 foot Edwardian style motor vessel. It is powered by a 1970 Gardner Diesel engine. The boat was designed for us by a Naval Architect. It is...
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