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  1. F

    Starting a diesel

    Our Perkins 4.236 usually starts in one revolution, in the tropics. Our Onan 8 kw genset starts in just a few revolutions IF you use the glow plugs. Make sure neither engine of yours is designed with glow plugs and if they are, that they work. No properly timed diesel should take more than a...
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    Anchor Swivel options for 5/16 Chain

    When I read the article in Marine how to, I closely inspected the last one we had and found a lot of micro fractures in the stainless. Since it is a worthless lit of gear anyway, I won't be using one again. By the way, it has never been standard equipment on any commercial vessel I've ever...
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    It seems the OP never returned after starting such an odd thread. No follow up informing us whether he's well and out of the hospital or not. Perhaps GH41 wasn't so far off base?
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    Selene Auction

    Some time ago I read this was often an issue when one paints a white boat a dark color. I'm sorry I don't remember the reason, but it may get you headed in the right direction before you make a decision. To the best of my memory, it does not compromise the integrity of the vessel, only the...
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    Captains License

    We are a charter boat and can't see any chance of a return to business until at least mid 2021. I'm certainly not taking customers aboard to be in close proximity in my home while there's any chance of anyone being infected. As a 6 pac (six passengers only) boat, your boat will not need to be...
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    Anchor Swivel options for 5/16 Chain

    Before you spend any money on the weak link in your anchor tackle (a swivel) please go to and read what he has to say.
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    Help with purchase - Engine report

    Sounds to me as though the owner of this boat is not very interested in machinery maintenance, even for some fairly simple fixes, and that is a huge red flag to me. It could mean major electrical and plumbing problems ahead for the next owner. OK, now to your question. Volvo parts are expensive...
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    Is my chain undersized?

    Anchor tackle is not about the weight of the anchor and the size of the chain, but rather about matching all the parts of the system together. None of us will ever have chain strong enough to hold the boat when the chain is direct from the anchor to the roller on the boat. It will just never...
  9. F

    Curmudgeon ????? - Being prepared before leaving the dock

    While I can't disagree with your statements regarding injuries from less than courteous boaters, I do not believe that was the direction this thread was headed. Therefore, my response was only in regards to preparation of one's boat for a day out on the water.
  10. F

    RO Water for Batteries?

    That's odd, as we've been cruising and chartering in the EC for the last 10 years and have been able to get it everywhere we've looked for it. Even on the tiny islands like Bequia and Union, Carriacou and Petit Martinique they have cars and trucks with batteries that need distilled water. Even...
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    RO Water for Batteries?

    I have no idea where in the world you have not been able to get distilled water, but in over 5 decades of seafaring on vessels of all sorts, I've yet to find one.
  12. F

    Can I purchase a boat in Canada and bring it US?

    I do not believe Americans can get into Canada for non essential travel and buying a pleasure craft is hardly essential travel at this point I believe. But, don't take our word for it, go directly to the horse's mouth and contact Canadian border control for a definitive answer.
  13. F

    Windlass Help Needed

    If you start beating on that you are going to blow the shaft seal. The brass should heat much faster than the stainless shaft I can't see how that wouldn't solve your problem easily. However, the home made puller would also do the trick. Just stop beating on it. It isn't an uncooperative...
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    RO Water for Batteries?

    I asked the same question on another forum when my membranes were new and I was getting under 50ppm. I was told no, absolutely not. Stick to distilled water, it's cheap and available in most places.
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    Swing on the hook

    I'm sorry to be a bit off subject here, but you really should get rid of the Bruce and get a next gen anchor like a Rocna as your #1 anchor. The Bruce was never designed as a short term anchor, but rather as an anchor to let set for a long period on things like oil rigs. You'll find that if you...
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    ABYC codes

    Didn't you get all this information from your surveyor?
  17. F

    Curmudgeon ????? - Being prepared before leaving the dock

    I really can't understand those who do not prepare for the worst that could happen when they drop their dock lines or pick up their anchor. I've seen folks in the AICW or out on the ocean on a calm day with hatches open. companionways unsecured and lines and fenders thrown hither and yon about...
  18. F

    GARMIN GPSMAP 3010 or 3210

    Does anyone out there have or know anyone who has a Garmin GPSMAP 3010 or 3210 that is inoperable? I need a screen from one. It takes about ten minutes and a Phillips screwdriver to remove the screen, so it's not a big, complicated job. Thanks in advance.
  19. F

    Single Handed suggestions......

    The bigger the boat the more slowly everything happens. Wind and current take longer to move the boat and the engine(s) are the same. However, I'd be picking my boat for it's livability rather than by it's size. After all, from what I've read in your post, this boat will be your home when you...
  20. F

    Isn't boating an essential activity?

    Your civil liberties are of no interest to the 21,000+ new cases and the 1343 people who have died already today in the US because people like you do not understand the seriousness of this situation. You can carry and pass C-19 without ever showing any signs you have it. I'll make you a deal...
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    Plugging prefilters

    Every watermaker professional I know, disagrees with your statement if the membrane is fully intact. Most say an UV filter is a waste of money because the membrane will not pass anything as big as a bacteria. ps. I'm a licensed chief engineer, steam or diesel, unlimited horsepower and I...
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    Best Trawler for <$100k-$125k?

    I believe you are one of the very fortunate few. We also have an income unaffected by this crisis, but I don't see our charter income returning before Jan, 2021 or even later. We are not even accepting down payments on bookings now, as things are so uncertain. I don't want to be returning...
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    Best Trawler for <$100k-$125k?

    And just exactly where do you think these people will get the money to spend on these dreams when they couldn't even afford dockage or storage fees during the crisis? We are a charter boat and I really hope you are right, but it will take 12 to 18 months to get a vaccine out to enough people...
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    Plugging prefilters

    The filters are just to protect the high pressure pump and the membrane and have nothing to do with water quality. I don't understand folks who pay thousands of dollars for a watermaker and then don't drink the water. What comes out of the watermaker, if your numbers are acceptable, is as good...
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    Plugging prefilters

    This is patently untrue. However, fuel oil will damage the membrane so we do not operate our watermaker in oily water such as one would find in a busy commercial harbor. If it is impossible for you to move to another place to operate your watermaker, then you could add a prefilter to what you...
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