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  1. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    They have. I made it clear that I was going to get a boat and she could join me or not. She decided she could go out on it sometimes but would not live on it or spend the night on it. That's an improvement over last week when she said she would never step foot on it and I appreciate the change...
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    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    I have the same concerns about my boat compromise. I know she's going to get upset when I want to spend time on the boat. She already gets upset when she catches me looking at videos of boats or reading boating forums & magazines, etc. There's no way she's going to suddenly be okay with me being...
  3. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    I certainly don't. Keeping a home and raising children is incredibly hard work. I did most of that, too... at any rate, I was happy to give her half, it was the demand for more that stung because I really could have used her help financially over the years. It was tough being a single income...
  4. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    Sometimes she doesn't. My wife refused to get a job. Even after the kids were in school full time she still wouldn't work. Just sat at home and made messes that I'd have to clean up after a long day at the office. I begged her to work, she refused. It would have really helped, especially early...
  5. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    Correct. I don't have a boat right now. If I were buying today, I'd be in the market for something like this '05 Pachoud 86 foot. I'm very busy with my businesses right now, though, I'm only 43 and what I really, really want is a Silent 80 3-Deck. I can't afford that today, but if everything...
  6. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    Thanks Dan. I intend to. If she leaves me, so be it. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, I'm sure I can find a partner who wants to enjoy this lifestyle with me. If not, well, I'll just be another salty old dog solo sailing the high seas and that's fine, too. Better than living with...
  7. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    I think I opened up a can of worms... :whistling: We're all trying to change one another, some to a greater degree than others. That said, I'm not so much trying to change her on this topic as I am staying true to my dreams. When we first met I said this was what I wanted to do and she said...
  8. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    I'm trying but she alternates between anger and tears when we talk about it. She's 41 for God's sake, you would think we could have a rational discussion. We talked more last night and she presented me with a few misconceptions. Says "We can't entertain friends and family on a boat", "I don't...
  9. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    Thank you all for the discussion! I expected people here would encourage me to follow my dream, which is probably why I posted here. It's heartbreaking to lose her but I just can't set my dreams aside. As several of you stated, I'll resent her if I do and she'll resent me if she goes along with...
  10. B

    Anyone choose the boat over the woman?

    I’ve got a great girlfriend of about two years whom I love, but she’s decided she wants absolutely nothing to do with the cruiser lifestyle. Won’t live on a boat. Won’t travel on a boat. Won’t vacation on a boat. Refuses to even spend one night on a boat. I was up front when we met that...
  11. B

    On your boat...

    For what my opinion is worth (absolutely nothing, hah!), I'd love to make a new friend, take him out on my boat & give him a little taste of boat ownership. OP's request seems quite reasonable to me. I totally understand how some might be wary of that - my boat, when I buy it, will also be my...
  12. B

    Battery Explodes!

    I had a battery in an RV explode on me once. As was said here, it sounded like a shotgun blast. Set off the alarm on my car that was parked about 20' away, brought several neighbors out of their homes looking up the street to see what happened, etc. Made a real mess of things too. The RV had an...
  13. B

    When you know you really need it....

    There's a guy down the street from me who has a little ~18 foot fishing boat. I have, on several occasions, seen him sitting in it on its trailer in his driveway with his little boy, enjoying a beer while the boy played and "drove" the boat with his life jacket on. Warms my heart every time.
  14. B

    Lithium AA batteries

    Disagree. They're perfect for devices that sit on the counter! I've lost many electronic devices due to leaking batteries. Especially the devices I don't use very often... they get put in a drawer and used occasionally, then one day I take them out only to find the battery has leaked...
  15. B

    Detroit Diesel 71 series engines

    I would love to see pictures!
  16. B

    Detroit Diesel 71 series engines

    I had a 40' RV (about 42,000lbs) powered by a 450hp DD92. That engine never let me down and would push the coach effortlessly up long, steep grades. Was contacted over the CB more than once by truckers wanting to know "whatcha got in that thing?" after I flew past them on a grade. I wouldn't...
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    List vs Sale Price? / Buyer's Agent?

    It cost me 3 times that to get rid of an unhappy wife. I'd say you made the right decision. ;) Ain't that the truth!
  18. B


    You are my new best friend. Always wanted to fly a sub. If by some random chance I become a billionaire, I'm buying one of these and giving you a call. ;)
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    Count me in. I don't have my pilot's license but have owned & flown ultralights and co-piloted friends' aircraft (including a Rutan Long-EZ, man those are a blast!). Also took a heli flight lesson a couple of years ago, super fun, highly recommend. I set aside my plans to get my license & buy...
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    Doing Nothing

    Get yourself into a float tank for a couple of hours. The lack of sensory input is incredibly helpful in calming the mind. Note that it may take ~3 sessions to really get into the zone and start to see lasting results.
  21. B

    Hit me with a dose of reality

    Never heard of these before. Now I can't get enough. Trying to figure out how I can triple my budget... This is exactly the boat I was looking for.
  22. B

    Hit me with a dose of reality

    I agree with your comments about keeping watch. I don't imagine I'll be completing 24+ hour passages alone. I'll bring people along for those times. I anticipate most of my cruising will be coastal, exploring local spots by day and sleeping in safe anchorages at night. I expect to be able to...
  23. B

    Hit me with a dose of reality

    Are you sure we aren't related? ;) Others may see a lot of hard work in maintaining a big boat. I see a fun challenge. Yeah, I want to lounge around on deck and play in the water and explore islands, but I also want to spend a bunch of time in the engine room, fixing things and learning how they...
  24. B

    Hit me with a dose of reality

    Wow, what a wonderful welcome!! Thank you all for your responses! My concerns about sailing stem from watching hours and hours of videos, mostly vlogs posted by cruisers. There seems to be a lot more on-deck work involved when under way and I'm not a fan of the exterior helms. Operating in a...
  25. B

    Hit me with a dose of reality

    Hi folks! I've got a plan to buy a boat and live on it, traveling the world as long as I'm physically able to do so. I recently turned 40 and am on track for a partial retirement and boat purchase in about 5 years. I'm starting my planning & research now so I'll be more than ready when the time...
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