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  1. Mafke

    Insurance for boats that are old like me. . .

    We have Defever 49 RPH & are insured by Safeco. Congratulations on your 44!
  2. Mafke

    Water maker question

    Thank you for the information and hope you can get it working. Ours is set up the same way. We will continue to trace the system as time allows and will give a full report!
  3. Mafke

    Water maker question

    Thank you so much for the information. We do have a manuel on board, will start reading lol. System has been pickled for at least 4 years not for sure really. Before we invest in new filters ect. Do you think it is ok to run the system ( won’t drink) to make sure it works?
  4. Mafke

    Water maker question

    Hello All, We also have a Village Marine water maker and have never used it. Any recommendations for 1st timers on how to go about use and upkeep?
  5. Mafke


    fingers crossed we’ve secured a captain! one thing of note everyone I’ve spoken 2 says the transport ship will be late! Pics to come when?...? TBD thanks to all
  6. Mafke


    We’re closing on Defever 49 RPH soon! We are seeking a pilot to retrieve her off transport ship in Victoria, B.C. and bring to US. Is anyone interested/able to do this with us as we are not eligible to enter Canada at this time? Looking at the third week in March TBD. Final destination Tacoma.
  7. Mafke

    Insurance dilemma please help!

    We are in the process of purchasing a 1986 49 DeFever RPH. Called Boat US and as of 01/2021 there not insuring a MV of this size or age. Does anyone have Any idea of where I could obtain “Antique” MV insurance? We are in the Puget Sound area, no insurance claims & USCG Veteran.
  8. Mafke

    DeFever PNW Rendezvous!

    We are in the process of purchasing a1986 49 RPH & are planning to attend & become members! The problem I’m running into is insuring our “Antique MV”. Boat US as of 01/21 will not insure a MV of this size. We will be mooring in the Tacoma area and have no accidents and USCG Veteran. Please any...
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