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  1. yo

    34DC fuel tank replacement. Tanks?

    CharlieO. yes the tanks went straight down thru the hatch, I'm in the engine room [single engine] slid, push, pulled the tank around and placed on shelf where old steel 150 gal tank was. I placed mine so that fuel fill hoses would be close together when both tanks were installed. If you go...
  2. yo

    34DC fuel tank replacement. Tanks?

    CharlieO. my tanks went down and thru the front hatch in the galley
  3. yo

    34DC fuel tank replacement. Tanks?

    max1 tempo 50 gal tank Boat US along time ago
  4. yo

    34DC fuel tank replacement. Tanks?

    Charlie Iv'e done what you are planning to do. I'm pretty sure the plastic tanks I used are 12'' wide 24" high and 48" long. 50 gal. per tank. I put 2 on each side. I used a Sawzall, short blades all the cutting is close to the head. [ ear protection]
  5. yo

    What size packing for my stuffing box?

    same as wood said 3/16 in post #4
  6. yo

    Understanding Racor Indicator Gauge

    jmreim while the engine is running and you are watching the vacuum gauge shut the fuel line off to the engine, you should see how the gauge changes form green to red.
  7. yo

    Protecting the dog

    protecting the puppy we have been using the same product for years, we attach ours to the fly bridge rail by using brass grommets every 10 " and using 3/16 nylon cording thru the grommets and around the rail for the top support . The bottom and sides I ran a 3/8 nylon rope secured at the...
  8. yo

    34ft Marine Trader Trawler

    joe the ballast is a mix of gravel, sand and cement. the cement isn't a strong mix, not to hard to break apart and that mix is covered with a thin layer of fiber glass
  9. yo

    34ft Marine Trader Trawler

    joe; your picture of the rudder and keel set up looks just like mine 1977 MT
  10. yo

    Binoculars with compass

    agree with Shrew in #8
  11. yo

    drill bits

    same as Brian in post #38 Drill Doctor did work very well for me
  12. yo

    Trawler Slightly Listing - And Fuel Tank Valve(s) Info Please

    how do you know how much fuel is in either tank and if both tanks are the same size. I would look at both tanks and if they look to be the same size , I would drop a string with a small fishing weight down the fuel filling hole out side in the deck. go slow lowering the string until the weight...
  13. yo


    navy plank owner USS Constellation CVA-64 till 1965
  14. yo

    Marine Trader - Shoot through hull transducer

    yes Ive done it. you can make a dam out of clay inside the engine room on top of the hull, add water in dam and place transducer in water turn the unit on. just a way to check to see if it will work in your boat. if everything works use the epoxy . good luck
  15. yo

    Lehman 90/135 Air Filter Alternative

    same as jay +1
  16. yo

    1982 Marine Trader Europe drive shaft

    Hey DB have you seen the shaft log (tube) yet? Is it metal or fiber glass? I've seen both worked on. mike
  17. yo

    Fuel tank removal from marine trader 34 dc with cummins engine

    Kip good luck with your project, I would use short blades, so as not to hit the hull or anything else under the tank that you won,t be able to see. Get a lot of blades, and good eye and ear protection. Are your tanks 150 gal? What type tanks are you planning on installing? '' have fun its a boat''
  18. yo

    Lehman lift pump fitting

    Dixie life Rick b posted that these are called ford nut compression fitting and some call them stromberg fitting Rick posted these 8-10-2015 look in the search file mike
  19. yo

    Fake USCG Registration

    thanks Norm, just received a letter by us mail that my documentation was about ready for renewal $75.00 charge. very official looking letter, but letter head was , US Documentation center not USCG Documentation . Thanks again for posting that information . Mike
  20. yo

    Movie night

    sink the Bismark
  21. yo

    Best article or book you've read recently

    Alexander Kent has a good series , form line of battle , enemy in sight and a few more. if you like Hornblower try these
  22. yo

    shaft tube leak ...HELP!!

    I think that psneeld is on the right track in post #24 I would try and drive the bolts back into the stringer and I think that the brass plate can be unscrewed from the shaft log. If you are worried about clearance to turn the plate the only thing under it is thin layer of fiber glass mating...
  23. yo

    zinks on a Lehman

    zinc yes to what RTF said. mike
  24. yo

    Ford Lehman 120 Heat Exchanger Removal

    mine is like RTF 2 bolts under HE & a couple hose clamps mike
  25. yo

    High Water Alarms

    Have one and horn is on fly bridge. Glad that we have it. mike
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