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    Fuel tank level gauge

    Purchasing a boat that doesn’t have gauges for the fuel tanks. Any advice as to keeping up with the amount of fuel in tanks ? Or is it worth it to install fuel Gauges?? Thanks for any insights!
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    Diesel mechanic Brunswick GA

    Thank you!!
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    Diesel mechanic Brunswick GA

    Looking for a great diesel mechanic in Brunswick GA. For 3208T Cats. Any recommendations??
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    Damper Replacement

    Golden Star thin gelcoat/fiberglass hulls??? I know this is an old post but I see you have a Golden Star trawler. Im looking at a 1988 42 Golden Star but I've never heard of these. I inspected the hull and bridge and they seem very thin!! Not sure if this is one of those boats that has very...
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    Fu Hwa Construction/trawlers

    Golden Star I discovered this old posting regarding your Fu Hwa Golden Star trawler. I'm very familiar with lots of CHB boats but never heard of this one. I'm looking at a 1988 42 Golden Star and would like to ask if you have any opinions to offer. I can only find few comments regarding...
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    Taiwan Trawlers source

    Does anyone know if the Senator Trawler was built in the Taiwan yards? I'm looking at a 1985. I haven't been able to confirm where these boats were built! Thanks for any info regarding Senator trawlers.
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