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  1. J

    AGM Battery Charger Size

    Magnum problems I would add a caution to this discussion. My Magnum 2812 was purchased new in February of 2021. By January 2022 it stopped working. I was in Texas and Magnum told me to go with their certified repair facility in Houston. For over a years time they never could get the part it...
  2. J

    My shiny new Insurance just got CANCELLED.

    Welcome Kayenne. I had Allstate for home auto and boat for 30 years. They would not cover my current 1979 trawler. I went with Boat US/Geico. I think you might try them.
  3. J

    A newbie preparing for a great journey

    Welcome I am a bit late to the discussion. However I would like to toss in that I am on a 1979 DeFever 43 trawler with a cabin height of 78 inches, even in the galley. So definitely put these on your list to look at. I wish I would’ve gone cruising like your planning at 24. Enjoy.
  4. J

    Long Island to Annapolis

    Did this last fall I am a bit late but I might add helpful notes. I went all along the south side of the island from Shinnecock Bay to Jones inlet. There are two places where the chart showed less than 5 feet, I draw 4.7. For both places I called Tow Boat US, in advance, and spoke to a...
  5. J

    Boat arch

    I recently purchased and installed a foldable radar arch the company also supplies ready made parts you might be interested in. Check with Tower in a Box, Atlantic Towers, New Jersey.
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