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  1. S

    Can I do This? Would you?

    I second the motion here... call your credit card company and ask for a reversal for not getting what was advertised. I did this before and they will take care of collecting at the other end, Work very well...
  2. S

    Starting a diesel with "dead" batteries

    I am a diesel mechanic and I support this way to start a diesel engine. If you suggest a dime between a rocker and a valve stem... you may look for trouble that is greater that waiting to charge batteries. By suggesting using a dime... some will not have a dime and use some other things.... and...
  3. S

    Battery Cable Butt Connectors

    In Canada... batteries are not allowed in a passenger compartment... whether it be in a wheel house, pilot house or living space. The batteries have to be in an engine room with proper ventilation and emergency batteries have to be outside, in a locker, vented and a with a main fuse.
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