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  1. AdamC

    2100 Hrs on R29 w/Diesel Yanmar - Should I Run?

    Hi CountryBTr, I've got twin Yanmar 4LHA engines on my 1999 Mainship. They've got over 3500 seasonal, salt-water hours on them and I'm very impressed with how they've held up. I'm in the process now of changing all the original hoses on both the coolant and sea-water circuits right now because...
  2. AdamC

    Intercooler accessibility. MS 350/390

    Yes. That's how I do it (oil filter, or anything on the outboard side of engine). To make things easier, I modified my raw water strainer arrangement to locate the strainers further forward and added quick connect fittings on the strainers. I felt that the quick connects were safe enough given...
  3. AdamC

    Intercooler accessibility. MS 350/390

    This is something I've been thinking a lot about. I too have the -STE engines. Mine have over 3000 hours and run great. I've done the Barnacle Buster but still wake up at night worrying about salt-water intrusion to the engines via the intercooler. I'd really like to have a look-see in there and...
  4. AdamC

    White exhaust smoke

    So is a small amount of steam a problem? From my Yanmar 4LHA-STE's, I get a small amount of white steam from both. It dissapates/evaporates within a few feet of the exhaust exit. There's no persistent smoke and the engines sound great and jacket and exhaust temps are good. -Adam
  5. AdamC

    Operating Cost of Single versus Twins

    The Mainship 350/390 that I own is one that comes in both flavors. When I started shopping for this model, I was looking at the singles and ended up buying the twin because "the perfect boat" fell into my lap. I would say that I wish I bought the single, but I'm glad I own the twin :rolleyes...
  6. AdamC

    Is this normal? Shaft movement- short video

    That looks like runout to me. Speed is too low for it to be vibration I would say. Seems you either have a bent/bowed shaft or an eccentric connection to the transmission. I would measure runout at different stations along the shaft fore to aft using a dial indicator. Runout at the transmission...
  7. AdamC

    Pre-Oiler for Yanmar

    Roger that. Raising RPM a little does seem to help but I always wonder if that does more harm than good. This is my 3rd season with the boat and both engines seem to be running smooth and strong at about the 3000 hour mark. The PO (original) claims that he's observed similar behavior on both...
  8. AdamC

    Pre-Oiler for Yanmar

    Thanks Gents. I would tend to agree that it should not be needed. I don't think I'm paranoid. However, my Port engine takes "forever" to generate oil pressure. I'll post a video to show you what I mean. I don't know how it's possible, but sometimes I have to wait 45-60 seconds with the oil...
  9. AdamC

    Pre-Oiler for Yanmar

    Greetings All, Has anyone engineered a pre-oiler system onto their Yanmar 4LH or similar engine? If so, I'd love to hear the details. I suppose this would also be a good time to invite comments on pros and cons of pre-oiler systems in general. Does anyone think they are not beneficial or more...
  10. AdamC

    Shaft Droop Math

    Alignment You can set up a wood v-block to hold up the prop shaft end. Find the up/down/port/stbd position that allows the easiest rotation and least binding. This will position the prop shaft about where you want with respect to aft running gear. A few thousandths one way or other won't...
  11. AdamC

    The story of Joshua Slocum

    Slocum was a naturalized Yankee and proud of it! Says so in the first few pages of his wonderful book. A Canadian? Please! -Adam
  12. AdamC

    How you know you married right......

    Wise Now that is what I call a wise choice!
  13. AdamC

    Rudder Stuffing Boxes

    Wow! What a resource! Bacchus, where do you find the time? -Adam
  14. AdamC

    Rudder Stuffing Boxes

    Brilliant Comodave! Exactly the kind of tip I can use.
  15. AdamC

    Rudder Stuffing Boxes

    Greetings, I own a 1999 350 Trawler. This photo from the 390 owners manual I downloaded from this site (thanks!) accurately depicts what I have on my boat. Can anyone here specifically identify the manufacturer of these rudder components? Is that important to know before repacking? I don't see...
  16. AdamC

    Weird weather?

    That is a common misconception. There are several different types of nuclear reactions that can be used to produce power. They vary in the number of and type of by-products that are produced. Historically, thermal neutron reactors were used for most power production because of the success this...
  17. AdamC

    Weird weather?

    I don't fear climate change, I fear the government's response to it. There are a great many dumb ideas flying around that, if implemented, will do nothing to reduce CO2 emissions while doing great economic damage. Economic damage that harms people as much, if not more, than climate change. That...
  18. AdamC

    Name the one thing you dislike about your boat

    Difficult access to outboard sides of the main engines. There's only about 10" between the motors and the fuel tanks and one can't go over the top and down the side because the sole hatches aren't wide enough. In short, everything on the outboard side must be done with one hand and on the...
  19. AdamC

    Mainship manuals

    Jackpot! Thanks to all that contributed here. I just downloaded the manual for the Mainship 390. Excellent resource!:dance::dance:
  20. AdamC

    New Member is Boat Shopper

    Greetings all. Been watching for Mainship 350/390 in the online marketplace and am seriously thinking of taking the plunge. Haven't really browsed this site yet but I'll be looking for local resources (Sandy Hook, NJ) that will help me evaluate candidate boats. Would love to find members...
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