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  1. S

    Aging gracefully with a boat?

    One of my favourite poems, I think you should mention that it was written by Dylan Thomas! Comment to an earlier post on page 3. Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know...
  2. S

    North Aegean Trawler 30

    Hi Scott, It was built in Turkey. Trailer boating is nothing for me. I used to race star boats and travelled between races for five years. Hard work. It weights close to 5 tons and is wider than 3 meter so not a boat for trailers.
  3. S

    North Aegean Trawler 30

    As I am getting older I consider buying a trawler. After a period with hearth problems I bought a motor sailer, a Fisher 30, but I always tried to sail her and she was very under rigged so I got frustrated and sold her and bought a conventional sailing yacht, a Hanse 315. I have always been a...
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