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  1. C

    Hour Meters Failed

    VOLVO TAMD63 P’s. Hour meters have suddenly stopped working for both engines on both flybridge and cockpit gauges. Tach’s continues to function normally. Any suggestions? This seems to have happened about the same time the start relay failed on the STBD engine. I replaced both start relays...
  2. C

    How to best get my GB 36' Classic from Anacortes WA to Portland OR

    If you time the bar crossing for high slack it may well be like a bath tub. Go Neah Bay to Greys Harbor. High slack only. Exit Greys Harbor most any time and then time Columbia Bar for high slack only on your first crossing. Do not attempt it any other timing on your first crossing. I've been...
  3. C

    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    Ok I get it now. Thanks. Sometimes we non-IT folks are a little slow on the uptake. Thanks for your help.
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    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    Ok I'm still confused. If these cameras use an IP address, is it not possible to connect them to a standard desktop computer? What happens if your internet access goes down at home? You still have your cameras working with connection to your WiFi and desktop. Correct? Never had IP cameras before...
  5. C

    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    I do not have any cameras just yet. I do have wifi under way. I have an onboard wifi router.
  6. C

    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    Using this on a std desktop PC and monitor
  7. C

    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    That info came from the Coastal Explorer guys directly on their forum page where I asked them the same question.
  8. C

    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is to take a hard look at ourselves!!
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    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    Thanks. Now could you repeat that in English?? I have learned from CE that the video input requires cameras that support MotionJPEG format or MJPEG for short. The Arlo cameras use proprietary protocols that only work with their software. So that's out. What I want is to use wireless battery...
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    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    Mexico vs United States Crime Stats Compared Here is one of many sites you can go to for comparison of the US and Mexico. Total crimes in US 8 times that of Mexico Violent crimes in US 6 times that of Mexico Violent rape in US 6 times that of Mexico Fear of violent crime 89% more in US than...
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    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    Do you spend time in PV or do you just read the sensationalized newspapers? I go there very regularly. I am a hypervigilant person. Always aware of what's going on around me. Never had nor have seen an issue. I'm not saying nobody get assaulted in PV. Just saying generally it's very safe. If you...
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    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    You can stay couped up in you little home or your little community if you like and if you are afraid to go out. For me I like to venture out and experience what there is out there. I have had an amazing time in PV over the years. My advice to you is don't venture out in east LA after dark or...
  13. C

    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    So are you saying that my wifi router will not interface with the Netgear Arlo cameras?
  14. C

    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    Ok I get your issue. However, let's not describe this as "Mexico" but rather specific places in Mexico. If you take the Mexico approach then you better get out of the US and go to Bhutan cuz you have a greater chance of violence here than in Mexico.
  15. C

    Trawler sunk in WA

    Now you don't think he?? Supposed it's happened many times before!
  16. C

    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    122 people looked at this post but nobody knows anything about how to do this??????
  17. C

    Video Input CE4

    Would like to interface a standard home wireless wifi camera system with Coastal Explorer 4 running on PC using the video Input screens. Is it possible using something like a Netgear Arlo system with multiple cameras? If so, how would I go about configuring such a system? I currently have an...
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    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    Just to let you know, when that happened a huge number of locals partnered with the Mexican marines from the base in town and did a number on the narcos. They haven't been back.
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    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    Don't know. Have been there up and down the entire coast many times. Always very safe in past. Have not been there in about 5 years so can't say what's going on now. Military check points up and down the highway. Rode my BMW1200 GS to Cabo with friends. Very safe. No worries. Cabo, however, is a...
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    Travel Warnings Issued for Mexico

    No hint of trouble in Puerta Vallarta. Has always been safe. My self, family, and several partners in a property development were involved with go there regularly. No issues at all.
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    No Engine Room Ventilation

    If forced air fans move significantly less air than your engines aspirate at cruising RPM will they have any significant impact on the delta T?
  22. C

    CE4 Video Input for WiFi Cameras

    Would like to use my Coastal Explorer 4 video inputs with a wireless battery operated wifi camera like the Netgear Arlo. I have a standard wifi router on board that I have connected to a desktop computer running Win7. I use the router connected to the computer and a long distance wifi receiver...
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    Very strange mystery for the board

    What type of heating system do you have on the boat?
  24. C

    Harrowing crossing to the Bahamas. [emoji23]

    I've had my 60 ft pounding through this same stretch with spray over the top of my flybridge enclosure many times. The gorge can get very rough indeed. It can be a wild river ride through here!
  25. C

    Best Crab pot design?

    Stow-B-Low. Hands down the best. Terrific unit.
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