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    How big is too big?

    "too big" can be read in three ways: "it's too big to heat for a reasonable price" "it's too big to fill with my personal stuff" "it's too big to clean and take care of by myself/by my family". If it's not too big according to even one of these factors, then, it isn't too big. Alternatively...
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    1st year liveaboard

    Thanks for sharing your experience! My wife and I are debating living aboard, which sounds sweet, but we're afraid of the issues we won't see coming. By the way, is it possible to live aboard for someone who's sensible to cold? My wife often gets ill if she feels cold, and I'd like to know...
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    Boat house vs. custom (canvas) cover

    Another important factor is the weather where you live. If there are scorching summers and/or long freezing winters, your boat may well suffer, even covered by canvas, and it'd be better to invest in a boathouse. In the long term, a boathouse is always the cheapest choice (because you save A...
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    OV59 checks in

    Thank you, I'll make sure to keep the community informed!
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    OV59 checks in

    Hello everyone! I've always dreamt of having a boat to live on, and the direction my career has taken recently allows me to actually plan for it instead of dreaming about it. I'm located in northern France, and I'm at this moment torn between the "safer" choice, a motorised barge for inland...
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