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  1. JimbalayaJones

    JD6404 - new raw water pump arrangement.

    Thanks for posting - looks great. Is the thin bar bolted to it the only thing stopping the whole pump from rotating besides the hoses themselves? Always wondered how that’s done on direct drive pumps!
  2. JimbalayaJones

    Boat handling in following seas

    In addition to the large rudder, Tortuga also has a substantial steel keel. CLectric, I would guess your boat has the same? If so do you find it helps or hurts handling in following seas (or strong currents)? We definitely feel the effects of currents, but I don't have enough experience with...
  3. JimbalayaJones

    Boat handling in following seas

    In such conditions, do you tow your dinghy? Last Wednesday we crossed the Straight of Georgia in what started out with 5-15 knot wind and the usual choppy but navigable quartering seas but which changed to much bigger following seas with 6-8 ft breaking waves by the time we were half way across...
  4. JimbalayaJones

    Ship s bell

    Tortuga's bell is mounted in the salon. PO told us that if its rough enough for the bell to ring, it's too rough for the crew and better head for shelter. So far it rang once on a blustery day at the mouth of the Fraser; he was spot on! Sent from my iPad using Trawler
  5. JimbalayaJones

    Trolling for salmon aboard a Nordic Tug 32

    Hi Peter, Just replying to your offer to share pictures (and possibly he story) of mounting your 9.9 to the swim grid om Invictus when you have her out; would love to see them. I bought a Garlick 15" throw kicker bracket for Tortuga to mount my 9.9, but returned it when I found it wouldn't...
  6. JimbalayaJones

    Trolling for salmon aboard a Nordic Tug 32

    Hi Peter, Wondering what you ended up doing. Just found this forum and loved your pictures. I'm in Tsawwassen with a 6000lb Palmer Clear Passage trawler (quite a bit older than yours!) but find myself with the same dilemma you had. Did you install a kicker on the swim platform? If so, how...
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