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    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    Thank you. Appreciate it.
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    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    Thank you very much for the post. Very helpful. If you where in the Seattle area I would love to take you up on your offer to see your boat. Do you know what propeller you are running?
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    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    Again, thank you for the reply to this post. The listing you are referring to in Anacortes has a 668 140 hp in it. I brought that point up (listed with a 105hp) to the broker weeks ago. The broker has chosen not to update the listing.
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    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    Thank you for your comment. I am not sure the original post was clear. He ran both the main and wing engine when he was in a strong head wind
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    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    Looking for some feedback from someone who has operated a Nordhavn 46. I am looking at one for sale without a wing engine. Have talked to a previous owner of a 46 who thought the 46 is under powered when traveling into much of a wind (20kts). Said he needed to run the wing engine to make much...
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    2003 Kadey-Krogen 39 Tacoma, WA $390,000

    Is your boat still on the market? Thanks
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    Diesel Duck 38

    Is your boat back on the market?
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