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  1. M

    Cored vs. Solid Hull

    Having just read a thread that used the terms "solid" and "cored" hull, I realized that I don't know the difference or why it is important. I've also seen the terms used in describing the floors of some boats with flying bridges. Is it something to be wary-of in looking at (older or newer)...
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    Raised Pilothouse Models

    I just had to chuckle when I read your statement, "dead is still dead". During one of my earlier classes on boat handling, we were aboard a Chris Craft Constellation and I was at the helm. Adjacent to the wheel and throttles, there was a brass placard that read, "Such was the fate of Captain...
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    Favorite Electronic Publications?

    As I sit alone in my darkened home this morning, drinking my first cup of coffee, I looked-over the apps on my New iPad and then to the “bookmarks” in my browser. I noticed that I’ve collected several references that provide me with information and entertainment each day. I wondered if...
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    Why I'm not in a hurry to buy anything

    Rather than hijack a thread where I made some comments that were responded-to by Marin, I decided to start a new thread. So here goes: It is not so much learning about boats that caused me to revisit my long-term love affair with Chapman (and other sailing/cruising books), but rather the...
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    COMPLETELY NEW AT THIS - Please help me with my education

    I'm Back in the Saddle I think I'm one the two "new guys" here, and yes, I've not been online in a while. As I alluded-to in my several previous posts, I have some amount of medical issues I am working to overcome. The past week or so was not kind to me in that I spent it in a hospital bed...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    Thanks for the welcome. Before I had a freak accident that changed my life, I also like to walk the boat yards. There, I gained an appreciation of hull designs, especially the chines (if any) and the keel. I just liked the look of the hulls that were more rounded, without chines, and a full...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    Thanks, Tom, for your effort and welcome. As I mentioned to you earlier, I actually learned some useful information while I was set ablaze. I accept your offer to stick around. To All: I think I made a mistake of jumping-in too fast and too hard, without surveying the climate here. What...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    Thanks for your succinct and honest response. Of course, you are correct. And I was wrong to paint all boats by a manufacturer with my broad, misaligned stroke. Also, I will stop using the term “full displacement” and instead just use “displacement trawler”. Combined with others’ responses...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    You are absolutely right about a get-home system but I am not a big fan of 2 engines - because I will undoubtedly find some shoals in my cruising and it seems to me that most dual engine setups have largely unprotected props and shafts. You've also made a good point of not eliminating a boat or...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    Thank you very much for the opinion and information on the Krogens. I read an article (I mind gets hazy after reading so many articles) wherein the owner made a trans-Atlantic crossing in a 42' Krogen. It was probably in Passage Maker magazine, but I forget the specifics. I just...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    Spoken like a guy who has what looks like a converted shrimp boat! I am not able to redo a boat like you suggest. I have some physical limitations that prevent it. I can't afford to commission a new boat. I haven't hit the lottery. Anyway, I think I am still far from buying anything. I am...
  12. M

    New Guy on the Forum

    As I just wrote in response to someone else, I was unaware that Nordic Tugs were semi-planing. I guess I assumed from their name that they would be so. Thanks for the advice on the Willard and Lord Nelson Victory Tugs - I had never heard these name before. Not that it makes much difference to...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    Sorry to quote your whole message, but I'm too tired right now to tear it into chunks for response. I understand that some terms cause a visceral response in others much as the term "full displacement" caused in you. I would gladly call it something else, but I don't have a term for it yet...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    When you're new to a forum, I've found it best to try NOT to ruffle feathers. I am normally quite direct. I will take your indirect advice under consideration.
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    New Guy on the Forum

    First answer: the destinations listed were for the near term of 3 years or so. Longer term ideas are not yet plans, but only dreams and they include the southeast Pacific as well as a possible run to Europe and the Med. A secondary reason for a "blue water" boat or one that could survive...
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    New Guy on the Forum

    Hi - I just wanted to introduce myself before I began plying you guys (asexual "guys" for you political correctness junkies) with a seemingly unending series of questions. The questions have a single objective: to buy one blue-water trawler, live on it, and spend my remaining days drifting...
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