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  1. Brudus

    Hello there! I have a question about a trawler

    ah, okay. thank you
  2. Brudus

    Hello there! I have a question about a trawler

    Yes, I have my fingers crossed that I can talk the owner of the one that I showed down to a lower price sense its missing a lot and probably hasn't run in awhile. How much do you think it would cost to repair the engine on one?
  3. Brudus

    Hello there! I have a question about a trawler

    Thank you! Its a Doggersbank 1500 (or at least some form of one)
  4. Brudus

    Hello there! I have a question about a trawler

    Hey thats almost an exact copy of it!
  5. Brudus

    Hello there! I have a question about a trawler

    I was talking about the brand and also the type, but thank you.
  6. Brudus

    Hello there! I have a question about a trawler

    The boat is currently on the Tennessee river near to Decatur Alabama. Its been there sense 2018 as far as I can tell from research I have done on it.
  7. Brudus

    Hello there! I have a question about a trawler

    Me and my father saw this trawler at a marina in 2020 while we where looking for one to buy, however we couldn't figure out what kind of trawler it was other than that it was a Sundeck from what we could tell. So I stumbled upon this forum and i thought it would be a good idea to ask what kind...
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