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  1. D

    Antifreeze removal

    How many gallons of antifreeze does the Perkins hold?
  2. D

    Antifreeze removal

    Thanks, that sounds easy enough. Do you change your antifreeze once a year?
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    Antifreeze removal

    I have a Perkins T6-3544 diesel in a Monk 36 and need help on how to drain antifreeze.
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    Perkins 6-354 T

    Also, on another subject, many of the Monk 36 trawlers that I looked at had 600 pounds of ballast in the stern. How does that affect the trawler?
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    Perkins 6-354 T

    I just bought the Monk 36 with the Perkins which has 4141 hours on it. It runs great, starts fast. Is there some guidelines on how ofter the turbo should be rebuilt or the fuel injectors be serviced?
  6. D

    Perkins 6-354 T

    What is the healthiest rpm to run a Perkins 6=354 T on a Monk 36 size trawler
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