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  1. Soggydog

    Help! Positioning of haul out straps for a Nordic Tug, 32 (1994)

    Thanks for the speedy reply Jeff., I think we will place the front strap in line with the forward engine room/Bridge bulkhead and the stern strap aligned with the rear cabin wall. Will also call Nordic Tugs in WA tomorrow to confirm and then mark points on the gunnels for future reference.
  2. Soggydog

    Help! Positioning of haul out straps for a Nordic Tug, 32 (1994)

    Hi, this is our first time having our boat hauled out where straps are used to bring her out of the water. Can anyone advise us on where the straps are to be placed. The boat did not come with any documents instructions for haul out. Are there any markings on the hull to indicate where the...
  3. Soggydog

    New Nordic Tug 32 Owners

    Hi, my wife Jamie and I bought a 1994 Nordic Tug 32 names Sandpiper II, September 2023 down in North Saanich BC and February of this year, brought her north to Campbell River, BC, her final home. Its been a wonderful adventure to-date as we start to explore the islands in Desolation Sound and...
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