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  1. P

    Hello From OC California

    I do want to smell some roses as we sail across. Any safe and good spots to see the roses:) Sam
  2. P

    Hello From OC California

    thank you for your replies. My goal is to sail it and stay a few days at each location where it is safe. Mainly Cancun/Costa Rica. as far as sailing it up the pacific side - i just can take time off to do the that trip, so i am still thinking shipping it. it is much cheaper to ship it...
  3. P

    Hello From OC California

    I will look into other routes .. thanks for the heads up on the captains
  4. P

    Hello From OC California

    I thought the trip would be a good experience. Thank you for recommendations
  5. P

    Hello From OC California

    Below is the following route with calculated fuel burn at 16knots which is the best high speed cruise for the Sirena 68 +/- 35 GPH of Fuel Burn. 1. FTL to Havana - 275 Miles 2. Havana to Cancun - 307 Miles - is it safe to leave it here for 2 weeks 3. Cancun to Belize City - 311 Miles 4...
  6. P

    Hello From OC California

    Hello folks, i am new to the site, i have a 68' Serina in FLL. I am looking to sail to CA this May. i will be asking you all for your experiences to plan my way. thanks Sam
  7. Purgatory


  8. boat


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