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  1. M

    US citizen keeping boat in BC The PST bulletin 108 pertaining to boats seems to indicate non residents are exempt from PST if they own real property or lease real property. I think the lease of the slip can qualify as real property. This bulletin seems...
  2. M

    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    250k or so. Yes moorage may be hard to come by. Any advice.
  3. M

    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    OK I think I am getting this now. Buy boat wherever. US document the boat. Pay no Washington tax by leaving the state. Pay no US import tax by having nafta boat if purchased in CA. Bring boat to Canada, and temporarily import/retention of foreign vessels by non-resident Canadians as...
  4. M

    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    Good point on the resale. I think or at least hope we learned something from covid, and won't need to do that closing thing anymore but yeah... Can anyone see a downside to the USCG documentation vs state registration.
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    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    Thank you for all the replies. I would be fine paying the BC tax unless there is a legal option to avoid it as a US citizen in Canada. I fully intend on spending all manner of cash in Canada on the boat, and all related costs for maintenance ect. I don't intend on using any of the social...
  6. M

    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    I am open to us or Canadian boats. Have a few im looking at but need to work out process for us boat and avoiding us tax by bringing to bc and leaving it there.
  7. M

    US citizen keeping boat in BC

    I am a US citizen (New Mexico) who would like to purchase a boat and keep it in BC. It appears I may have a couple options for tax exemption. This seems to be a fairly common yet seemingly complex transaction. Some brokers know about it and other do not. Does anyone have this ironed out...
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