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  1. M

    GB 36 Cl teak hand rail gate parts

    I'm still looking for the brass hand rail parts! The hint didn't work out - the seller wasn't willing to ship overseas.
  2. M

    For Sale: 36 grand banks parts

    Hi, In photo #2 I think I see a piece of handrail. Would you have GB's brass handrail gate parts (hinge, lock from the gate side and the small "knob" that hold the gate while open)?
  3. M

    GB 36 Cl teak hand rail gate parts

    Thanks for the hint! Miikka
  4. M

    GB 36 Cl teak hand rail gate parts

    Minor mistake in my original message. The parts needed are brass (not chrome). :)
  5. M

    GB 36 Cl teak hand rail gate parts

    We lost part of the teak hand rail in a minor incident and are now in need of the chrome gate parts! Meaning hinge, lock (gate side) and the small "knob" that holds the gate in place when open. Anybody have these for sale or know who would be able to sell? We are in Finland. Thanks for any help!
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