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  1. WindMaiden

    Hello from Mexico (currently)

    I am in Ensenada. Baja California. I saw some in San Diego too. But the PNW is calling us back :)
  2. WindMaiden

    Hello from Mexico (currently)

    Yes. I think the idea, was to no waste the investment, the time spent etc....any idea of how much it cost to ship a 40 ft trawler by boat?
  3. WindMaiden

    Hello from Mexico (currently)

    I'm Chris, married with 2 cats and one dog. Originally from Belgium, I’m now a US citizen and have lived in the US for 20 years. For the past year, I’ve been in Mexico. My wife and I have had sailboats all our lives, but we sold our last one a year and a half ago in WA. I’m 58 and work remotely...
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