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  1. G

    Replace Starter on John Deere engine on GB 42 (1977)

    At this point, I’m committed to changing the whole starter ! Hank you!
  2. G

    Replace Starter on John Deere engine on GB 42 (1977)

    Thank you. This is very helpful in locating the tool. And I appreciate the idea of trying to dislodge from the end cap. I’m having a hard time visualizing this since it’s one of the two long bolts that I’m trying to unscrew. Any concerns with damaging the end cap dislodging only one bolt?
  3. G

    Replace Starter on John Deere engine on GB 42 (1977)

    Hi all, new to the group and owner of a GB 42 for the last two years. Starter died and I’m looking to swap it with a used one from a salvaged engine. Currently struggling to unscrew last nut behind the starter to remove it. Anyone has had experience with it and what tool would they recommend to...
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