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  1. F

    Starlink Mini

    You go over that 50GB in a month and it's 1$ per GB overage fee per billing cycle. The Mini may be a good solution if you already have a residential account, and need an extra connection somewhere else - and it does have lower power draw than the regular antennas. Might be a good for on-board...
  2. F

    Hi Folks! It's Foggy here...

    <Laughing> Yup. We've reached the same conclusion. You can only polish the poop so much. New hull it is. At first glance it seemed like starting with an already built hull might be a shortcut - but it's not, really. You have to buy the un-insurable project boat for more than salvage...
  3. F

    Hi Folks! It's Foggy here...

    Oh yes for sure - I've never seen any boat "make" money. Yes, we want to cruise - on a boat we built (or restored). We have fun doing projects and seeing the payoff at the end. We've owned other boats, we've chartered boats, and generally messed around enough to know what we want - and what...
  4. F

    Hi Folks! It's Foggy here...

    Oh - I see this got moved to General Discussion. OK, here's a question for the group: Does it make ANY sense to REALLY restore an older trawler to tip-top condition - and have it be even close to a reasonable resale value when we're done playing with it after 5 years? Or just build a new boat...
  5. F

    Hi Folks! It's Foggy here...

    So Salty! We considered building the FineLine in steel - and it's not out of the question at this point. The steel is actually initially faster and cheaper than a one-off cold-molded epoxy / wood glass hull - BUT the problem is once you finish the weld up, then sandblast, then hurry up and get...
  6. F

    Hi Folks! It's Foggy here...

    New member Foggy here, in between boats. I'm one of those ding-dongs that likes building and fixing boats - that's the best part for me. We're on a farm (with space and resources to work on larger projects) between Olympia and Columbia River. We sort of have a choice which direction to go...
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