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  1. C

    Marina dilemma

    Not my first rodeo with hurricanes in 30 years & not the worst one yet... This marina is new to me, only owned the boat for a few months before Florence, This was bought salvage as a project boat very inexpensively with a budget of 25k to repair, I can do all of the work myself on all mechanical...
  2. C

    Marina dilemma

    another good point thanks. at this time I would like to thank all who provided input, I may be slow but I do learn. I think I'm more disappointed in the way this is being handled than the costs involved. I also appreciate no one stating the marina by name .
  3. C

    Marina dilemma

    work of this nature can't be rushed without potential damage. this was not a life or death situation. it was a simple clean up operation. I feel a professional crew run properly would have minimized the property damage. I would have liked to be there to protect my interests but wasn't given the...
  4. C

    Marina dilemma

    I see your point & when we arrived at the boat just after the storm I was truly amazed we survived without damage. took many pictures because it was pretty much a miracle . I guess my problem is had the boat suffered damage during the storm it would be easy to accept . but there is really no...
  5. C

    Marina dilemma

    Good question,
  6. C

    Marina dilemma

  7. C

    Marina dilemma

    Excellent reply, the marina storage is in inline in pricing in this area & yes I was slack on buying insurance, if there wasn't the storm all I had to do was paint the bottom & launch planned for in October including insurance overboard, got caught short no doubt about it. I was there the day...
  8. C

    Marina dilemma

    good advice. my boat never moved in the storm. never though about being liable for the boat just being there, I'll have to check that one out . I store with the garboard plug open & move low laying bilge things like battery's & inverters up on the salon floor. My bilge flooded with no water...
  9. C

    Marina dilemma

    Is this a situation where you could negotiate with the yard on the repairs? If they are able to do the work perhaps a 50% discount to you? Or 50/50 on a contractor? This would most likely be the cheapest and friendliest way to get your boat repaired. The problem is no negation , I...
  10. C

    Marina dilemma

    This yard does not do repair work of this type, it's more of a do it yourself place. at this point I can store 1hr closer to home for the same cost, but its hard to work on my boats locally, seems that once everyone knows where I am I can't get stuff done although its great for business.
  11. C

    Marina dilemma

    Hey Tom thanks for the insight, I signed no contract that I know of to date and cant recall anything implied, I purchased the boat there with assistance from C in the office. she went out of her way to help. My thoughts are that from the storm they may not be able to afford all the damage...
  12. C

    Marina dilemma

    I agree the yard seems uninterested in dealing with this issue. they claim it was a "salvage operation", possibly signed a liability waver for the crane & billed each boat owner effected for their share of crane time. I was not charged for crane time or contacted before or after the damage.
  13. C

    Marina dilemma

    I'm not an angry kind of guy & this is a small local mom & pop type place not big on contracts, its part of its old school charm. I'm trying to not burn any bridges if it can be avoided, the costs of repair & storage can increase sharply if I move the boat to a yachter yard putting it into...
  14. C

    Marina dilemma

    I'm assuming their MOL deductible is more than the claim at this point & who wants to blow the time in small claims court.
  15. C

    Marina dilemma

    My deductible will be 1k & no the marina has no insurance requirement yet, I don't know what their Marina owners legal liability deductible is but they use the same carrier as I do for my business . I was waning to settle this issue by a deduction in yard fees & split the repair.. to repair...
  16. C

    Marina dilemma

    all cosmetic paint & filling gouges, low of 2k high of 4k plus rehauling fees.
  17. C

    Marina dilemma

    Just purchased the boat on the hard a few months before the storm, not insured yet.
  18. C

    Marina dilemma

    To start if by any chance anyone already knows anything about the following issue I request that the Marina name isn't posted publicly...I personally feel that it is unethical & it is not my intent to hurt their reputation... Hurricane Florence & coastal Carolina was an event at this Marina, the...
  19. C

    Tollycraft Classic Boats!

    Good info, thanks for the leg work Art, I joined the Tolly forum under EMD , seems to be the place for user info, This old girl needs some major love and attention, I will keep you posted as I get deeper involved in the repairs, Thanks again Craig....
  20. C

    Tollycraft Classic Boats!

    Thanks Art... she has twin 6BT Cummins
  21. C

    Tollycraft Classic Boats!

    Art... after 30 od years in the boat repair biz you would think that I knew better, I stumbled on it a few weeks ago and couldn't sleep until I went to contract ... so now I have to adjust the learning curve and get working on her on my dime.
  22. C

    Tollycraft Classic Boats!

    Thanks Art. Its looking like an old Tolly is in my near future :banghead:
  23. C

    Tollycraft Classic Boats!

    Tollcraft hulls? Anyone know if a 73 Tollycraft 40 tri cabin is cored, Deck, hull side or bottom??
  24. C

    Help! What am I about to buy??

    If the fuel tanks have inspection plates I would recommend you have the tanks pumped out cleaned & inspected, its best done when on the hard for survey, If the tanks show heavy scale you may want to sonic test them wile they are empty. If they prove to be sound then that's one less thing to...
  25. C

    Perkins HT6.354 oil level

    I don't have enough hands on experience with horizontal 6.354s to offer much help but in theory the tank side oil level should not make any difference in engine smoking & the cooler would need to be in the oil to work. Unless you fill the tank over the top of the oil cooler allowing oil to flow...
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