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  1. S

    Ft. Lauderdale boat show

    I will be there...looking forward to seeing some Trawler folks. After doing the Annapolis Sail and Power shows and being cold....I'm ready for a warm show!
  2. S

    Avila/Port San Luis

    Talk about a coincidence...we just motored over from our Morro Bay Mooring this morning and are now on what we joke about as our "summer house", mooring in Port San Luis. Jan-April can sure be Nasty in Port San Luis with the Southern storm swells rolling right into the mooring field. Now in...
  3. S

    our new watermaker

    There is your one word answer...California. The Rules/Regulations/Coastal Commission permits makes it all but impossible to install a municipal RO Unit before the drought is over and people forget about it for another cycle. Here's the latest horror story I was involved with. A company in...
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