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  1. RED

    Oops...Wanna bet?

    I saw the bouy in the video on the Mail link, which pictures the coasties going out. Also, apologies to friends in the south. I was just thinking, gambling boat, redneck....
  2. RED

    Oops...Wanna bet?

    Let's see, in the video there is a red bout on the port side of the boat as its facing the shore. Yep got all those nav rules down, 'red, right, returning', but I always have to get out and throw a rock to remember which is left and right; anyways I can see a red thingy, so we're OK. Maybe they...
  3. RED

    For Sale: Ice Maker and Princess Stove

    What are the dimensions on the Stove?
  4. RED

    Trawler Schools?

    I'd suggest hiring a captain who has a boat. It will also help to have a captain give some instruction to your wife. I've done this even though I have a lot of experience, when I buy a different boat, as it takes all the interpersonal interaction out of the equation.
  5. RED

    Pleasant little port in British Columbia

    Shhh! I agree, a great spot, and in my opinion, some of the best sunsets in the gulf islands. I stop in every year when we cruise up north. great bakery there, too.
  6. RED

    Columbia Bar

    I'd like to welcome you to the Portland area, I keep my boat here and travel to the cruising grounds of Puget Sound and Canada in the summer. One advantage of mooring here is being in fresh water, and there is a bit of cruising here, although nothing like the Salish sea. You've gotten lot of...
  7. RED

    Laptop or Garmin?

    I have both a Raymarine multifunction (used primarily for radar) and a marinized cpu driving a Big Bay daylight display. (but I''m a belt and suspenders guy with paper chart backup for navigation). My experience with laptops is they have performed well, even on the flybridge, but had issues...
  8. RED


    1) 1957 16' wooden Lear Cat sail; sunk Columbus Day Storm 2) 1967 18' Y Flyer, wooden hand built; sold 3) 1972 23' Venture, Sail; sold 4) 1973 20' Ranger, Racing Sail; sold 5) 1975 24' Ranger, Racing sail; sold 6) 1985 30' Newport, Sail; sold 7) 1986 36' MMC (now Monk) power, sold 8) 1994 48'...
  9. RED

    Need advice on boarding ladder

    I am in the process of building a boarding ladder myself. I have a similar issue, with a tilt up dinghy on the swimstep, and fairly high freeboard, so getting over the side is an issue. I have been using a folding step on the dock, but have had some issues with it in transient marinas. At times...
  10. RED

    When is your flybridge unsafe?

    I like the flybridge for visibility, particularly offshore looking for crab pots. For safety, I rig jacklines and use tethers and life jackets (suspender types) for the crew to maneuver safely.
  11. RED


    I have AIS class B send and receive from Vesper Marine - great company and customer service. I use it for both river and coastal navigation. In the Columbia River with Barge and Commercial traffic, its great to "see" around the river bend, and have targets displayed on the chart plotter. Also...
  12. RED

    What Kind of Flare?

    I have a 25mm flare gun, with an insert for the smaller flares as well. The 25mm is a metal gun as opposed to the plastic ones that come in the flare kits. There is also an insert that fits a 12 ga shell, although I'm not sure I'd want to fire it, since the gun is a pot metal casting.
  13. RED

    Flag etiquette

    I note that Marin has it wrong in his picture. First of all, his boat has a cargo mast, not a sailing mast, so there is no gaff to fly the flag from. Also, even is one were to argue that the cargo mast can be used for a steadying sail, Marin is not flying the flag from what would be the gaff...
  14. RED

    old skipper

    I'm 70 and been boating for 50+ years - ready to go for another 50 ;-) Ran offshore from Portland, Or up to the Canadian cruising grounds last year and plan to go again this year. Life on the water is great, go for it!
  15. RED

    Worst pilothouse design ever?

    I agree, here's my J boat
  16. RED

    Seattle Opening Day

    We celebrated in Portland, too. The theme was Portland's Party. So we went with Roses and Beer!
  17. RED

    Criteria for going to sea

    So, what is your criteria for going to sea? For me, getting to the cruising grounds of Canada involves a 100 mile run down the Columbia, stopover in Astoria, crossing the Columbia River Bar, 130 miles up the coast, past Tatoosh Is, 60 miles up the Straits of Juan de Fuca to Anacortes for fuel...
  18. RED

    Sunrises and Sunsets

    Sunset at Roche Harbor In the Pacific, just past Tattoosh (and just before a nasty front rolled in after dark)
  19. RED

    Is radar dangerous?

    I just upgraded my older Furuno, and thought about going with broadband. First of all, on the class of vessels we all represent, our maximum range to 'see' another vessel is less than about 8 miles, so claims for 36 or 48 plus mile radars are misleading. The 'longer range' radars provide some...
  20. RED

    Master Model builder Bob Kyle, obit

    I don't want to imply that I'm even in the same league, but here's an R/C model of mine; still have some sailing blood in me.
  21. RED

    what's your take on PFD's?

    I have Mustangs on the boat. They are automatic, and as Marin noted are also manually inflatable either orally or by pulling the lanyard. I also have a pair of Stormy Seas float vests. These look like a coat vest, but have a CO2 cartridge that inflates when you pull off a velcroed patch on...
  22. RED

    Drive Saver: Yay or Nay

    I have Drive savers and they do fail. This one failed From shifting (I was in a boat parade and in and out of gear continuously trying to maintain station and position relative to the fleet. When I talked with the company (Globe) that manufactures them, they advised me that drive savers have...
  23. RED

    Hello, Again

    Thanks for all the kind thoughts! Time on the water is the best.
  24. RED

    Time, tides, and currents

    I check the tides and the currents, particularly when crossing the Columbia River Bar; I always try for slack current at the bar, which occurs sometime after low tide because of the momentum of the river. Sometimes I ignore the tides crossing the Straits from Port Angeles to BC; if there is a...
  25. RED

    Hello, Again

    I'd like to reintroduce myself. Haven't been here for some time; long story, lost my wife & lots of life changes, but still have the boat and the enthusiasm for boating. Been lurking for a bit, and really enjoy the camraderie and general tone and respect of the comments.
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