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  1. S

    Incinolet Toilet??

    I was looking at these toilets and was wondering if anyone here has any practical experience with them. I get from the site that they don't work with inverters, so they require either 110 or 220. But will they work off a Genset? If so, how does it work in the middle of the night if you want...
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    RV types, the allure of camping, nice places

    Love the set up, my wife and are are going thru the choices and options now. I am leaning towards a pusher toy hauler, cuz I want to bring a motorcycle or two with me. How did you get your motorcycles around? I like the toy hauler idea, but it does eat up a lot of the space/comfort. And its...
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    Autopilot drifts off course- Raymarine

    How near is too near the compass?
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    California 34 Long Range Cruiser

    My old 1978 performs as per everyones comments above. Easy to manuaver in tight quarters, tracks very well, handles wakes well. Mine has two old Perkins, and my top speed is really about 9 knots FOT, i run at about 1600 rpm at 7 knots 99% of the time. The ONLY tricky time I had with her was...
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    California 34 Long Range Cruiser

    Well, I have a 1978 version of the 34 LRC. Its my first "large" boat and it seams to handle fine. I come into my dock space and turn it 180 degrees with little room to spare (at least it seems like its little room to spare in my mind). They have twin engines so I just use the engines to...
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    Union Steamship Company

    What they tell us... for what its worth... is that most crews would often "wash dishes" by throwing them over... not sure if I believe it, but the dishes i kept are in perfect shape, no cracks or anything. not sure why else they would be thrown over... We called it "junk diving" i have lots...
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    For Sale: 37 ft Pacific Trawler for sale by owner

    I have been on that and a few other "reality" shows up here in the great AK, and yes, its all staged... fun to watch, but has no basis in reality what so ever...LOL i like that boat and i remember seeing it on buying Alaska. How much are they asking and where is it?
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    Union Steamship Company

    I used to scuba dive all around SE AK back in the day. ALOT ! I have dishes and cups and other china wear form most all the old steam ship Co's. the Alaska steam ships, the Canadian, the Canadian railroad steam ships, army, navy and many others... I had MANY tubs of the best stuff saved, put...
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    Is the ocean really dead?

    Or next few decades. When things go over the tipping point it's every fast. Not a gradual decline.
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    Is the ocean really dead?

    Things are not near dead here. But we are seeing more and more trash. Idiots who can't manage their trash are a waste of MY useful air!
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    What to do with this much room??!!

    I agree. I like empty space. I like that u have more center weight and lower as well! For my boat use, fishing and hinting, I would put in two freezers. But that really fits my use best. Not sure what fits yours best....
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    New "trawler" in neighborhood...

    LOL. Yeah. That's the ticket!!
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    New "trawler" in neighborhood...

    Suing the manufacture for botching the paint job, FOR 100 MILLION !!! LOL.
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    New "trawler" in neighborhood...

    yeah... its ALMOST as nice as my Nimbus, but not quite....
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    New "trawler" in neighborhood...

    here is the local article with the picture of it in front of my friends home... you can see the fog from this morning... not sure why they are there, its not a common place to stop.... Really big, expensive yacht arrives in Ketchikan | KRBD
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    New "trawler" in neighborhood...

    its as odd looking in life as it is on youtube... not that its not nice mind you.. but it is different looking!
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    New "trawler" in neighborhood...

    I got up this morning and as per my usual routine I was out on the deck brushing my teeth checking out whats going on out on the water and checking the weather.... and this new "trawler" passed right in front of the house... I saw it up closer and thru less fog as I drove to work. I was...
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    Why Boardings?

    Like I said before, I don't like being boarded. Not out of any legal issue, I just don't like the feeling if someone looking for my error. Boarding a boat is not the same as entering a home. Maybe legally, but the safety search issue is MUCH more applicable on a boat. And they have laws...
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    Why Boardings?

    I don't like being boarded much. Not cuz they don't have the right or need or anything else like that. I don't like making mistakes and I don't the feeling of being questioned, I don't like tickets either and I have ZERO problems with police! In fact, i LOVE The fact that i can wake up in the...
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    Why Boardings?

    But (in my industry) the companies tried to convince the USCG that we could regulate and 'inspect' ourselves" Kinda like the banks talked the government into easing regulations and standards back in the early 2000s and we all know how that turned out. LOL
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    Suggestions for Saloon Seating

    I checked best out for "RV recliners" and they have decent ones for like $300 shipped. Just an idea. I'm SURE they are not the best or nicest. But how many if us can truly afford those??
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    Suggestions for Saloon Seating

    I plan on taking my stuff out and putting in proper recliners.. small rv style ones...
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