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  1. Drake


    Or, save yourself some time and just get a Mantus. :hide:
  2. Drake

    Anyone on here purchase this cool trawler?

    We’ve been cruising the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers for three years on a trawler. Most of it is lake cruising. We would far prefer to be on a trawler than a houseboat. Paul
  3. Drake

    Anyone on here purchase this cool trawler?

    Don’t know anything about the boat other than it’s good looking. But Dripping Springs is a cool place. Not very close to the water, though.
  4. Drake

    Best garden hose end replacement?

    Put me in the love ‘em category. We’ve been using two pretty regularly for almost three years. No problems so far, and they are so much easier to stow in a locker than plastic hoses. BTW, if one does burst, I know how to fix it like brand new with no tools other than a car: take the sucker...
  5. Drake

    Why join a yacht club?

    Are memberships dwindling? We’re members of two clubs (never had a problem getting a sponsor) and are closely familiar with several others. They are all doing fine and some have waiting lists for memberships. Why do they want you to have a sponsor? Well, it’s a club, isn’t it?:angel:
  6. Drake

    Boat Ownership - Ca$h Deal - or - Loaned $$$

    Our views exactly. We have never financed a boat.
  7. Drake

    pompanette helm chair

    Try the Pompanette store in Ft. Lauderdale. We found them to be very helpful.
  8. Drake

    USS Iowa

    AWESOME!! Gotta love the USS Iowa.
  9. Drake

    On your boat...

    Here’s a suggestion. Drive to Seabrook. Go to Jay Bettis Yacht sales. Ask for Darrell Cottle. Sit down and explain to him that you’re beginning to look for a boat and want some experience. Offer to pay him to take you out and give you some pointers. He’s a great guy and good teacher. He might...
  10. Drake

    Things that make you go hmmm...

    I think I’m going to have a Mantus anchor flag made. That should make things interesting. :lol: Paul
  11. Drake

    One of these days....

    Looks like a Defever 49 RPH.
  12. Drake

    What Brand of Chain Swivel for Manson Supreme?

    I also use a Mantus swivel, on an 85# Mantus anchor and all chain rode. Works great. Paul
  13. Drake

    LLC question...

    Just to be clear, I did not say that I would never USE an LLC. What I said was that I would never buy a boat in an LLC because there’s too much risk of hidden liabilities and almost never any real benefit. However, I would almost always use a new LLC I set up to buy the asset (boat) and hold it...
  14. Drake

    Had to cut my anchor free - how to prevent this in the future?

    If you’re interested in a recommendation for a teaching captain in Seabrook, PM me. Paul
  15. Drake

    LLC question...

    In all the states I’m familiar with, it isn’t necessary to state a specific business purpose. You can just say the LLC is to engage in any lawful purpose. But check with your lawyer to confirm. Paul
  16. Drake

    LLC question...

    The short answer is yes, I would tell that to any client considering buying a boat inside an existing LLC. Any time you acquire an existing LLC it comes with any and all liabilities of that LLC, whether you know about them or not. For example, if last year (or last week) the boat injured...
  17. Drake

    LLC question...

    Absolutely correct. I would not consider buying a boat inside an LLC. Too much risk. I’m a lawyer and I deal with LLCs every day.
  18. Drake

    Defever v Gran Banks

    Don’t limit your search to a Defever RPH. The 49 cockpit is a great boat. Both 44 and 49 have standing engine rooms, which clinches the deal for me. It will be tough to find a 49 cpmy within your budget, but should be lots of 44s. Paul
  19. Drake

    Holding Tank Product

    Another vote for No-Flex. Great product. Paul
  20. Drake

    Weather Underground???

    I just discovered the Dark Sky app. Highly recommend.
  21. Drake

    Spare fuel filters for trip up the coast

    First, if you have space, time and budget, make the Racor a double. Then you can just switch filters underway and not miss a beat. Second, absolutely carry spares of every filter, at least two of the engine mounted filters and six of the Racors. More if you have room. As many have said, they...
  22. Drake

    To have or not to have a pilothouse?

    For me, there are only two advantages to a pilot house: if you travel a lot a night and if you want to get out of the weather. We have helm stations on the flybridge and inside the salon. I drive 98% of the time from the flybridge. I much prefer being in the open air, plus visibility is better...
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