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1971 Grand Banks 36 Classic PRICE REDUCED!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jul 5, 2019
Gulf Islands, BC Canada
Vessel Name
Sea Sanctuary
Vessel Make
Bayliner 4588
Price reduced to $32,900 cad, Folks, that's only *$24,303.72* in usd! Own a quality boat absolutely STEEPED in Trawler Lore for less than the price of a good late model used car!

My dream of owning this boat since the 70's is fulfilled.

This is a wood hull boat with plenty of teak. Hull #255. Boat is mechanically fit, brightwork always needs TLC. multiple leaks found and plugged, one weep left in aft head wall

Hull was sanded clear to wood of years of bottom paint to expose a solid and tight bottom..
Twin 2714E Ford Lehmans rated at 108 HP are the 120 economy model. Cruise at 7.5 knots all day at 1500 RPM. Engine hours are port 6738, SB 6728. Oil tests all good in engines and velvet drives.

All thru hulls replaced and new rudder posts 2019
motion controlled faucet to save water in aft head
new curtains 2022
sea strainers
electric toilet
new inverter/charger
New eno stove/oven
Smart plug
BRNKL monitored
And more

Insurers will like the bilge pump switch that will not pump oil, gas or diesel.
Made ready and used for weeks of cruising before 2 footitus found us. Now enjoying our 4588.

Located in the Gulf Islands of BC @ Maple Bay Marina

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Reduced to $32,900 OBO, that's only $24,303.72 in usd!
Can't use two boats, got to be sold
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Steve - you may want to also post on CruisersForum. While sail-oriented, their readership appears to be significantly larger than TF.

It looks nice

But then I am partial to trawlers. As every one on this board knows the critical areas are the decks and fly bridge decks. It's the freshwater damage that does these boats in. If you can afford it, a boat house or at least a full winter cover is the way to go.

There is of course the "Grand Banks Premium", but it looks like a nice boat. Make sure you find a surveyor who knows Taiwanese trawlers.
36 gb

Thanks for the info Graham, I am new to these boats but learning fast. Yes a covered moorage would be nice but for now I will just have to do maintaince to protect the boat from water ingress. Also I am finding electroless damage to the wood on a couple of the boats I have viewed. I talked with several old timers who spent a large part of their working lives working on and repairing wooden boats and showed them pictures of what I have seen and this condition looks like a big one to stay away form.
Kevin Woods of Woods Marine Consultants knows this boat having surveyed it in 1995 & 2019.

One of the reasons all 7 thru hulls were replaced other than being frozen was to cut out the wood electrolysis. Then the hull was sanded bare to see if there was any more concern. There was not.
Of course that was all done before I got the 2 foot ittis bug.
The boat was prepared last year for a trip to Desolation which never occurred.
Met an interested party by appointment and while discussing another interested party came by. They started talking between them selves and before I knew what was happening I ended up with more than asking. The loser shook hands with winner and they laughed about the underpriced boat. Apparently I dropped the price too fast and that suggested there was a problem. Oh well! :banghead:
My fault, as I did not concentrate on the exterior paint and brightwork, instead making mechanical and operational equipment the priority.

Inspections & sea trial passed. :dance:

The Grand Banks is SOLD to a very nice couple who are experienced and knowledgeable with Grand Banks. Most of the the tire kickers had no clue about the unpolished gem.

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